Today is day 9 following 5 day FET , cramps started last evening being more and more intense throughout the night , felling like my af will come any minute. Does any one had such bad pain and ended up being positive? ,crying my eyes out checking for the bleed to show up anytime now . This is 4 transfer that may have failed 😞. I do know that ivf is like a lottery but I keep thinking that something is not right with me , with clinic , with testing, I don’t know . First transfer fresh AF showed up at day 9 , second transfer frozen AF day 13 and third Transfer frozen AF day 15 after bfn on day 14 . Is that normal to have so many transfers and all of them just to fail implantation? Like the story is keep repeating and repeating. Have no more hope or energy or any kind of enthusiasm to try again because I know the end ..Sorry for such a long story just that is 4 o’clock in the morning, can not sleep because of pain and can not stop crying 😢
9dpt very bad cramps , am I out ? - Fertility Network UK
9dpt very bad cramps , am I out ?

Hiya I had a fet and I must say I had such a roller coaster ride from bad cramps to heavy bleeding till clots but my little one stuck and now she is 3 months old lying snoring away. Don't lose hope just yet 🙏🙏
I cramped heavily during my TWW. So scared I called the dr on call over the weekend. Turns out it was implantation cramps and we are celebrating his first birthday this week
Cramps are not sign of failed transfer and in fact can be the opposite. Fingers crossed for thar BFP 🤞xx
Hey hun, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. I’m 9dp5dt too today and this is my forth cycle. It’s so hard to differentiate the symptom Since AF and implantation cramps can be very similar. Fingers crossed you get bfp ❤️ xxx
I had zero symptoms apart from 9pt when I had loads of cramps all night and in the morning I had my BFP so… Best of luck 💫
Congratulations on your bfp , unfortunately I am sure that I am out (10 dpt ) and tested this morning negative 😩, official day test on Monday
Thank you. Although things don’t stop at a BFP for me as I suffer from recurrent miscarriage. But yes it’s a first step. I’m sorry about your BFN, it sucks! Test anyway on ODT, you never know. If it doesn’t go well this time I hope you can try again soon xxx
So sorry for your loss, this is true , infertility journey is not ending on bfp . I try to set my mind around . Don’t know yet how to say to my husband without crying and looking strong ( he told me that we should stop trying if is not working because is not good for my mental health and I will go in depression if I continue like this ) .
For this reason I always show him a strong face and pretend I’m fine, I worry for the day my husband will tell me the same thing. It is normal, they love us and don’t want us to go through this heartbreak plus they don’t want us to take loads of medicines etc. It’s such a hard journey on so many levels! Xxx
I too had cramps on day 8 and 9 and then got a BFP! Try to keep positive, I know how hard it is. X
Congratulations on your bfp . Unfortunately I am sure I am out , had a test this morning (10dpt ) and is negative 😞) my official test is on Monday