So round one ICSI has resulted in a BfN nothing prepared me for how bad this would feel. My sister has her 12 week ultra sound scan today and is announcing the news to the family 😢 and I've got to smile and get on with another failed attempt at having a baby...
What has made it worse is I feel the hospital has let me down... I've had a uterine fibroid for the last 5 years.. causing me severe and heavy periods I've lived with it as I was advised to leave it alone until I've had children... the fibroid has grown massively in size through my ICSI treatment due to all the hormones.
On day of transfer of our beautiful 5AA blast the doctor says in a blasé tone... oh that fibroid is huge ! If you don't fall pregnant this time that needs to go !! I also had a lining of 6.9mm which anyone failed to mention...
I've complained about my fibroid repeatedly but no one took notice... I would have rather had frozen our Embie as it was such good quality and waited until it was all sorted so my body could give it the best chance... the doctors attitude was oh well wel stick it in and see what happens. The worst thing is for two years we've been waiting on the IVF waiting list and they knew about the fibroid all that time so it could have been sorted in the meantime. Now I've got a fibroid 3 times the size it started out as and no baby. There was a brief mention of Gondratrapin medication to shrink it ? But surely this should have been done before prior to treatment ?!
Has anyone had experience with gondratrapin medication ( excuse the spelling ) how long do they take to shrink fibroids. They didn't want to do a laparoscopy as there's a risk of uterine bleeding... i have two frozen embies and I want the best for the two we have left over ... I have so many unanswered questions and the hospital is not contacting me till the beginning of May 😢