Yesterday was OTD and I already knew it hadn’t worked from BFN’s over the previous few days but yesterday it was confirmed for certain.
Currently sat in the toilets at work crying because my well meaning boss asked me how it went.
I’m convinced there is some sort of issue with me or with my embryos as we have had two transfers of high grade embryos, one fresh, one frozen and neither have worked.
I’m so just so gutted this time. Last time I was ok but this has floored me. I literally can’t think about anything else, can’t concentrate, can’t stop crying, every mention of babies or anything like that hurts like hell.
I’m also really aware that there are women out there who have had miscarriages or many more failed attempts than me and I feel awful for being so sorry for myself because realistically I’m not even that far in to the journey. Not sure I’m strong enough to carry on with all this if this has got me so upset 😢