I'm feeling really down in the dumps this morning because we should probably have been having iui treatment today (or yesterday) but my cycle got cancelled after 9 days of gonal f injections because of staffing issues at the fertility clinic... I know that we'll get another go at our 3rd (and final nhs-funded) iui cycle because it wasn't our fault that it was cancelled but I just feel so lost and tired of it all now... think it's even more difficult because they'd doubled my gonal f earlier this time and I never got to find out what result that had (they said it might make my one little 1.2cm follicle grow or it could cause more of the small ones to develop - I'm a bit of a slow starter!!) My last 2 cycles have been done on day 17 and I'm day 16 today but feel like I might have already ovulated because (sorry if it's tmi) my ewcm seems to have come and gone again already. Just not sure what's going on inside me anymore!! We're "trying naurally" this month but I'm not terribly hopeful as hubby's sperm are not exactly perfect which is why iui gave us hope by putting all the good ones in the right place! Has anyone else had a cycle cancelled part way through and if so how did you pick yourself back up again? Today part of me is saying that we're obviously just not meant to be parents... 😓
Should probably have been having iui ... - Fertility Network UK
Should probably have been having iui treatment today...

Morning, please don't feel like that, I have had various iui treatments cancelled because I have had too many follicles, it's fallen at a weekend and last month was cancelled because I had two large water cysts on my ovaries due to all the hormones! I totally understand how you feel, I pick myself up by treating myself, so I do some relaxing yoga or I go out for nice lunches, buy myself something nice, stay in my bed all day if I want too! Life is cruel
Take care xx
It's such a rollercoaster isn't it! I think I'm frustrated because everything was going fine and it was cancelled because they didn't have staff rather than because of something my body had "done" like in the cases you've described (which sound like a nightmare by the way!!) I don't respond particularly well to the drugs so I'm panicking a bit now as ivf seems to be getting ever closer...
Yeah I find it so frustrating!! Plus I always want to say just work the weekends as it would make my life easier!
Please don't panic just offload to me, a problem shared!
Have you tried some acupuncture or reflexology? It could help your body take to the medication, my friend didn't take well to medication and went and got reflexology and her levels naturally went up!
Hope you are having a good weekend xx
Hi Little_beth . I have regular reflexology sessions with a lady who specialises in fertility, she's great and always manages to help me see the positives and get myself in check! I actually had another scan this morning which confirmed that I have ovulated - they could see the corpus luteum on the scan so now we will just keep our fingers crossed that hubby had some super sperm this month and we'll have fallen "naturally" - well, we can but hope! Thanks for your support, pm me any time x
Hi MrsB_2013. I'm so sorry this has happened to you, but just keep it at the back of your mind that you were responding well, so you can do so again. Nothing I can really say except for hope you don't have to wait too long to try again, and that it goes smoothly when you do. Thinking of you. Diane
Hi DianeArnold , thanks for your reply. I actually had a call from the clinic this morning and went in for a scan and a really good chat which has helped to out my mind at rest. Looking at the scan and the corpus luteum They think I did ovulate earlier than usual, probably due to the increased doses of gonal-f which we think is quite positive. It also sounds as though hubby and I managed to time things quite well so we may just get lucky this month (it would be typical wouldn't it!). We're all prepped in our minds for the next cycle and I'm going to start visiting IVF clinics so I've got the info to hand if we need to choose one soon - better to spend time formulating a back up plan that never gets used than getting stressed later I reckon! Fingers crossed!