cold turkey or wean off the meds? - Fertility Network...

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cold turkey or wean off the meds?

Twiglet2 profile image
33 Replies

Hey- I’m 12 weeks tomorrow and clinic said to stop all meds at 12 weeks. I was only on progesterone pessaries last pregnancy and I kinda weaned off them until the box was ran out (one a day for a few days then every 2nd day) but not sure what to do this time and anyone’s experience/advice would be really helpful 💜 haven’t had 12 week scan yet as it’s booked for 13 weeks so really don’t want to jeopardise anything!

Im still on:

✳️ progesterone pessaries 200mf twice a day

✳️ 1 x lubion injection daily

✳️ 1 x clexane injection daily

✳️ 3 x progynova daily (all taken together)

Thanks for any support ☺️

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Twiglet2 profile image
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33 Replies
Tnthketnf profile image

Personally weaning off offered me some reassurance. And I postponed 3-4 days starting the weaning off because I was going away for a long weekend and didn't want to have any extra worries. My clinic was fine with it. I would also recommend to have a scan booked not long after coming off the meds for reassurance.

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Tnthketnf

Thanks lovely that’s a good point I’ve got nhs scan next Friday so will be good timing. I am defo weaning off the pessaries just dont know about the eostrogen and clexane. Like should you just stop blood thinners cold turkey? Clinic seemed to think that was all good? I’m clearly overthinking as usual 😂🤪 xx

Tnthketnf profile image
Tnthketnf in reply to Twiglet2

My weaning started around week 9-10 and completely off from week 12. The placenta is ready at that point.

Did the clinic say you can choose to wean off?

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Tnthketnf

The clinic just said stop at 12 weeks the same as last time. I double checked the clexane with the consultant as I know sometimes they want that a bit longer but he said that should be fine too x

Runnergirl40 profile image

I am 12 weeks too, 12w1. I have weaned/weaning off all medication. Already stopped Lubion, was on 2,a day. Towards the end was doing every other day for a few days.

Tablets, started at 11 weeks, depending on how many you have left, I was on 4 plus 1 vaginally, started with stopping vaginally for 3 days, then 3 a day for 3 days, 2 a day for 2 days and 1 a day day for 2 days. Last 1 today. Also on patches, last one today.

Pessaries going to wean off, told to start weaning off at 12 weeks, got plenty left so will wait till my scan next week and will wean off like the tablets.

Also on clexane and due to stop from day of scan. Midwife wants me to take aspirin. So will stop clexane and then start aspirin.

Good luck with your scan, hope you are ok. I am so anxious about it. I had a missed miscarriage of twins at 16 weeks and stopped growing at 12w after my scan,

My last scan was 8w3, all was fine, just haven’t had any symptoms really from the start.

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Runnergirl40

Thank you this is so so helpful! I think I will wait with the clexane and speak to the midwife actually as I’m a bit worried about the abrupt stop of blood thinners! Yes I’m an anxious wreck too but you must be more so after your last experience 😢 I bet next week cant come quick enough for you! Xx

WillowPark profile image

Hi Twiglet2, such a personal decision! I wasn't on nearly as much as you (just cyclogest) but I came off cold turkey. I thought long and hard about it but decided they wouldn't be telling me to stop if there was any risk whatsoever. I picked a quiet weekend and just stopped. I felt a bit rough (mainly grumpy and emotional and a headache). I had a scan four days after I stopped just to reassure myself all was well, although I had no adverse reactions. I've felt so much better and more confident in my body and pregnancy since being off them. Good luck whatever you decide!

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to WillowPark

Thanks a lovely! I cannot wait to be off then I remember feeling a lot better once I did last pregnancy and this time around I can hardly find an unbruised part of my stomach to inject into! But I just don’t feel confident stopping it all, all at once. I think I will stop the lubion injections though form today as they are technically doing the same as the pessaries and then just wean off the pessaries over the next week. I’m really torn about what to do about the clexane 🤔 I’m so glad all was well for you that gives me so much more confidence xx

WillowPark profile image
WillowPark in reply to Twiglet2

Yes it is alot! I think that sounds like a plan with the lubion, and you could reduce the progynova alongside the pessaries (since they counteract each other to an extent). Are you taking anything like aspirin? It might be worth speaking to your midwife as they might be able to give you something like that which might just make you feel better stopping the clexane by replacing it with something less severe and then weaning off? Maybe worth asking someone with the right knowledge if it is worrying you stopping cold turkey! x

Peony85 profile image

I went off Clexane cold turkey for both my pregnancies. My consultant obstetrician confirmed it was fine and I was really pleased to be off of them. I was worried as well but all was fine ☺️

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Peony85

Oh really? Amazing thank you! Xx

Tinkertinkerbell profile image

Hi, my clinic told me that you actually don’t need the meds from 10 weeks but they let you take them to 12 weeks as an extra 2 week ‘buffer’ already. This made me feel better knowing this so I stopped cold turkey at 12 weeks. All fine. Currently 25 weeks and baby is fine x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Tinkertinkerbell

Hey- yes my clinic told me the same that the placeta has taken over between 8-10 weeks. It is defo reassuring! I just feel I am on such a concoction this time that I’m scared of a big drop in hormones doing something 🤪 I know I’m probably being silly though xx

Tinkertinkerbell profile image
Tinkertinkerbell in reply to Twiglet2

I was on a lot too and to be honest I did get some cracking headaches for about a week after stopping but then it all evened out. Baby was fine though ☺️ x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Tinkertinkerbell

Aww fab that’s the main thing 💜🤗 xx

Skittles11 profile image

Hey Twiglet

I think with the clexane it depends on your reasons for taking it. Did you have any clinical indications for taking it or was it just as a precaution? If it was the first one, I'm not convinced you should be coming off it yet. But if you are taking it as precaution only, without having had any tests, then that would be different and I belive you can come off them.

With the progesterone if you are more comfortable then wean off that one. The estrogen I believe can be stopped without weaning x x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Skittles11

Thank you- yeah I checked with the consultant and he said the same if it was just a precaution I could come off it at 12 weeks. I didnt do the test to see if I needed the clexane (didn’t want to slow things down) so they just put me on it after several misscariages. So hopefully will be okay!

That’s good to know about the estrogen. I think I did stop that cold turkey last time (of what I was keeping down as I had bad sickness with my son so I probably ‘weaned’ off it accidently bu not getting all of it anyways the last few weeks before stopping!) thanks again for all your help xx

Gerti2020 profile image

oh my god oh my god, I just logged on, first time in a while and I was thinking of you and saw that you were pregnant- CONGRATULATIONS!!! hope all is going good x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Gerti2020

Thank you ☺️ waiting for the 12 week scan so very anxious (as usual 🤪) but hoping all is okay this time around 🤞🏽 how are you? Xx

Gerti2020 profile image

I was the same and the entire pregnancy to be honest! I think it was worse the second time round as there was so much pressure it being my last attempt. I have 2 beautiful girls keeping me busy now. I have everything crossed for you, after the journey you’ve had this next part will be a breeze xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Gerti2020

🤗💜 so glad you and your family are doing great! I’m really hoping so! I have promised myself if all okay at 12 week scan I’m going to try and enjoy it xx

Livinginoz profile image


I actually emailed my clinic yesterday asking this exact question! They said to stop cold turkey on 12 weeks, im on 1x lubion and 3x utrogestan a day plus 3x estrogen tablets. It makes me really nervous to just stop it all and I don’t know what to do! Part of me wants to just do what they say as surely they know best but it’s really nerve wracking xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Livinginoz

Hey- Yeah they told me the same but said it was up to me really if I had extra. They said the same last time and I weaned off. I have completely stopped everything now I only weaned off for a few days over the weekend and but the decided just to brave it as I am sick of injections 🤪 So far everything okay and have a scan on Friday so will see then 😬 what did you decide to do? Xx

Livinginoz profile image
Livinginoz in reply to Twiglet2

They didn’t really give me an option, simply said to stop at 12 weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️ my injections run out on Saturday so I will stop them then (I’m also sick of doing them!) I might try and wean off the pessaries, knock them down to two a day and then one. Honestly it’s stressed me out so much 🙈 I have my dating scan next Thursday so it won’t be too long to wait xx

Lelo3479 profile image
Lelo3479 in reply to Twiglet2

How did your scan go? X

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Lelo3479

All good thankfully! Thank you for asking 🤗💜 Baby measuring 5 days ahead though 🤷🏻‍♀️ I completely stopped all meds last Monday and so far so good 🤞🏽 xx

Lelo3479 profile image
Lelo3479 in reply to Twiglet2

That's amazing news ❤️🎊😁 congratulatins xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Lelo3479

Thank you ☺️

Suz994 profile image

I did the same previously and weaned myself off the cyclogest, I probably could have asked the clinic for more but just used any extras that I had. With the clexane I stopped around 13 weeks and for the last week just used one every 2nd day, but I could not wait for those to stop so found it much easier to let go! Everything was fine and he’s currently destroying the kitchen 🙃

Good luck!! ❤️

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Suz994

Thanks this was last week and I just weaned off over the weekend so all injection and pessary free now and scan on Friday was all good thankfully 🤗 xx

Suz994 profile image
Suz994 in reply to Twiglet2

Amazing news, I’m so happy all went well for you!! ❤️ xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Twiglet2

I’m not on here much lately but keep popping on to see if you’ve updated! So bloody pleased to see your scan went well! 🥰

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Solly-44

Thank you lovely 🥰 one day at a time but I did feel some of the anxiety relax thankfully! Hope you are doing good xx

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