Hi All,
I am very grateful to be 8 weeks pregnant after a FET, but the nausea is constant. I had a baby in 2021 and I can’t remember the nausea being so constant but he was a fresh transfer so fewer meds.
Does anyone have experience or know if the morning sickness/ fatigue is worse after a FET due to the extra meds (oestrogen 8mg daily and progesterone 1200mg daily) ?
It’s manageable but I’m struggling a bit at work as nothing improves the constant feeling of nausea and I’m running out of food options that i can face.
I had mild morning sickness for 32 weeks with my son, just really hoping this becomes a bit milder at 12 weeks 🙏🙏🙏
I’d love to hear people’s experiences and any tips they have 🙏🙏
Thank you x