Hi everyone, I had my early scan on Wednesday and saw a heartbeat which was amazing. But since Saturday I have had no symptoms at all, I havent had my nausea, havent had that off feeling and my boobs are no longer heavy or sore, I was also exhausted but no longer tired and havent slept properly for the last couple of nights. I am massively panicking that this pregnancy isnt progressing and I'm also worried that all my negative thoughts are going to have a negative effect on the pregnancy. I know every pregnancy is different. I guess I am just looking to see other peoples experiences about loss of symptoms so early on and still had a healthy pregnancy.
7 weeks + 3 and symptoms have gone - Fertility Network...
7 weeks + 3 and symptoms have gone

Hi Hawksk, I just wanted to write as quickly as possible to say under no uncertain terms are your negative thoughts impacting anything. Whether the pregnancy is progressing or not is NOT your fault.
The first stages of pregnancy for a group such as us is really difficult and daunting, and from day to day we can either feel positive or negative based on how we feel that one day.
I found that booking extra private scans helped me, and I basically gave myself permission to go have a scan any time I was worried - that equated to about 1 a week, although around week 8 I honestly had 3 because of some slight spotting that worried me.
I'm not sure if you're in a financial position to do that, but if you are there are some great places around.
Symptoms, or lack of, can wreak havoc - I found I wasn't really myself and couldn't really focus on much around your stage - all I could do it put one day behind the other and keep moving towards my next scan.
Try not to worry, symptoms come and go in the first trimester. I remember feeling much better for a few days around the same time and then the nausea and tiredness came back. It is probably just the hormones raging. But worth booking a private scan if you are worried as suggested by minnesota_girl. I confess to doing a couple of those due to a hematoma and my EPU not wanting to see me. Good luck!

Symptoms in early pregnancy do come and go so try not to worry too much This can be an anxious time but your negative thoughts will have no effect whatsoever on your pregnancy Try talking to your OH for support
Take care of yourself
Hi Lovely. If negative thoughts could influence things, we'd all be utterly done for, I suspect 😢 I've found it impossible NOT to have anxiety, at every stage in my pregnancy so far. Just last night I had a horrible dream about going to the maternity unit out of worry over reduced movements (my current worry, and one I reckon will last until the baby is here!). I'm 26 weeks now and am finding it easier to enjoy the pregnancy, most of the time, but other times I'm a wreck still, and I still haven't bought anything or done barely any research of labour and the first days/weeks of caring for a newborn, as I'm scared of jinxing things 🤦♀️🤦♀️
In terms of symptom changes/loss, people really do post about this a lot on here and very often it doesn't mean anything worrying, it's just part of pregnancy. The body gets used to rising hormone levels, I think, and symptoms fade away from time to time. Thinking of you xx
I totally get this. I'm in the first trimester and experiencing the same. Loads of symptoms one day and nothing the next. And it's so hard to wait for the next scan. I am 11 weeks and mine have disappeared for a few days at a time, then come back, so hopefully that can give you some reassurance. I asked my midwife who said it's normal. xx
I posted almost exactly this post healthunlocked.com/fertilit...
I am now 37 weeks, I think its completely normal x

Oh I’m so glad for the update! I read your earlier post and was wondering because I’m in the exact boat. Part of me is now conjuring cramping (I don’t have any) and potential miscarriage symptoms almost as a way of protecting myself should the inevitable happen. This is such a stupid journey - we obsess over symptoms that don’t exist and conjure other symptoms to be ‘prepared’ for a potential MC…as of right now I’m obsessing over my desire to go to the bathroom and if that means I’m going to bleed…reality is that I probably just need to pee. Aaagghh