Hi all,
I'm newly pregnant (currently 5.4 weeks). I've had two good HCG blood test results, the first was >700 at 12dp6dt and the second was >1800 at 14dpt. My clinic says these are good numbers and don't recommend I test again, but I'm already struggling with the wait for the viability scan. I'm terrified that despite knowing the embryo is chromosomally normal and having good HCG results that something will be wrong when I go for my scan.
I'm mostly worrying about this because my symptoms such as breast tenderness have lessened a lot in the last week (they're barely tender now, only when I prod them). I can feel things happening in my pelvic area sometimes but it's mild and has recently felt more like a tightness and occasional mild twinging.
Can anyone provide any reassurance or experience with good hcg numbers but diminishing symptoms?
Thank you