Morning ladies. I am 11 weeks and starting to think about stopping progesterone and oestrogen. Clinique said to take up to 12 weeks. Just a little nervous. What if I don’t make enough without the meds😱 any advice or experience would be brilliant 🥰🥰🥰
IVF Meds,when to stop ✋ : Morning... - Fertility Network...
IVF Meds,when to stop ✋

Hey doglover. I’m 11+5 today and stopped all my meds at 10 weeks. Apparently the placenta takes over the hormone work at approx 8 weeks so should be doing everything needed from this point. I’m ok so far and didn’t really notice any change after stopping my medication but I was really nervous before stopping (I put a message on here). Did your clinic not give you any specific guidance on when to stop?
Thanks for reply. They just said once I’d had my 12 week scan I can stop. No need to wean just stop and all will be ok 🙈
Hiya, my clinic have given me a ‘weaning off’ guidance sheet for all medicines. I can send you a photo if you like?
I stopped all my meds at 10 weeks with my son and at 8 weeks with this pregnancy and all is fine. I know it feels scary but the placenta is doing it’s job now and it will be a pleasant relief not to have to take them anymore. Congratulations on your pregnancy! X
The placenta should be formed by 12 weeks and making all the hormones for you by then. So that’s why the advice is what it is. I stopped progesterone (was on a naturally modified cycle) at 7 weeks. I was worried but the clinic said my ovaries would do the job and I stopped it anxiously but everything was fine.
hi - I was super nervous about stopping the meds at 12 weeks as well but it all went well. The placenta starts to produce progesterone a few weeks earlier so it should all be fine. I was weaned off the progesterone gradually. Did you receive a plan to do so? Perhaps something to ask them.