so I’m exactly 5 weeks 6 days and had a sudden onset of blood this morning no pain so I booked In for early scan today where I’ve seen the baby and heartbeat she said there was slight bruising near sac has anyone had this ?? I’ve had 4 miscarriages previous and no children this is my first go at ivf after several surgeries
6 weeks 5 days pregnancy : so I’m... - Fertility Network...
6 weeks 5 days pregnancy

sorry meant to say 6 weeks not 5
I’m not sure what bruising near the sac would be in the context of what you can see on a scan, but I assume it’s a haematoma? I had a big one around the same time that took me to the a&e yet the baby was perfectly fine and now I’m 39 weeks. I had to be monitored more frequently in the first trimester though, take it easier (skipped workouts until 12 weeks) and then I had to take progesterone up to 16 weeks. Did the sonographer look worried at all? And did they schedule a follow up in about 2 weeks?
She didn’t say what it was just a slight bruise is all I got she didn’t seem concerned as baby measuring well and see heartbeat… gave me more progesterone as I’ve been on that since the beginning and told me to book with midwife I said are you going to do another scan they didn’t mention it she said call if the bleeding gets worse the bleeding was bad this morning but has since stopped no pain either… I have contacted the fertility clinic also to see what they recommend I might ring the doctors tomorrow too to see if I can maybe have bloods done ? Any advice needed xx
Betty2025 Awww sorry to hear that only one made it but on the other hand, ONE MADE IT! Congratulations and hope that this is the one that will go all the way 🤞🏻
I’d say that the EPU and the IVF clinic will be the most useful places for you right now. I think that it’s positive that you’re not experiencing any pain and that the baby is doing well. Otherwise it sounds like they know the cause and they didn’t seem too concerned. There’s not much you can do at this stage other than to contact your IVF clinic for advice, take the progesterone and try to get another scan in a week or two (tell them you’ve had bleeding on and off or continued discharge and you want to make sure things are still going well in there). If it’s a haematoma, it will likely come out via bleeding (though it should turn brown, not stay red) and/or reabsorption.
If the bleeding gets worse, definitely go back to the EPU right away, or the A&E if the EPU isn’t open and you fill a pad an hour. I’m not sure they can tell much from bloods at this point, but when I went to the A&E they did run a full blood count on me and all looked normal, despite me bleeding like there was no tomorrow with huge clots. But definitely ask the GP and see what they say. The other thing that the A&E did when I went in was to check whether the cervix was still closed and it was, and that was good enough for them to release me home and refer me to the EPU for the next day for a scan.
Unfortunately there’s not much you can do right now but monitor things, so take it easy, do things you enjoy and try to take your mind off it. Best of luck xx
Thankyou the blood has definetely slowed down and it’s just brown spotting when I wipe now… not filling a pad at all but im still so concerned they didn’t ask for a follow up x
I think that it's quite positive that the bleeding slowed down and you're just getting brown spotting now. It's just the haematoma coming out at this point and it will probably reduce in size by next time you get a scan. I had some form of bleeding or brown discharge from 5 weeks all the way to 9-10 weeks from what I remember, so it may take a while, depending on the size of it. Maybe this sonographer didn't think that things looked that bad though, the bruise might have been quite small, and haematomas are quite a common occurrence in the first trimester too, especially in IVF (likely from the catheter scratching the uterus lining during transfer). But give the EPU or your IVF clinic a call, explain your worries and history, and hopefully they will book a follow up scan for peace of mind. If not, just book one privately. I wouldn't worry too much about it all, and I would just try to relax, take it easy and focus on more positive things. And when you do get to go in for a scan, ask them about the PRISM study and to prescribe or give you a letter for the GP to prescribe you progesterone for up to 16 weeks. Best of luck! xx
It’s only brown when I wipe sorry to be so honest but I’m taking that as a good thing she told me to rest so that’s what I’ve done and intend to for the next few days I will sort out work next week but right now this is my priority… they’ve given me progesterone but I was already on that I’ve emailed the clinic to and they’ve just come back to say how much did they suggest but I haven’t collected yet as I already had some at home so I’m waiting to see if they will increase the dosage
it’s what is called a SCH which is a subchorinic hematoma. I had one with my son and it did resolve itself after about 5-6 weeks but does put you at higher risk of miscarriage and I did have a lot of bleeding. I took a few weeks of work and took it very easy, that’s all you can do really but we did have a good outcome and a normal pregnancy from week 10-11 when the bleeding stopped. I would ask your clinic for a repeat scan or if they won’t and you have another bleed I would call your local EPU for a scan as midwife won’t organise one until week 12 Xx
They’ve told me to take it easy so I’m going to ask work if I can work from home .. I’m so worried about miscarriage as I’ve had 4 precious but I’ve also never seen a heartbeat so I’m taking that as a positive
Heartbeat is a very very positive sign 💜🤗 xx
That’s what I’m hanging on to I honestly thought it was game over when I went In yesturday with the blood
I know I was the same at your stage, then I had another huge bleed with giant clots and everything about 7.5 weeks and was even more convinced it was over… there he was all okay on the scan the next day! Take it easy lovely you are doing great! 💜🤗
Sounds like a haematoma! I had this, I had a big bleed at 5 weeks, 6 weeks and a smaller one at 8 weeks. I was told it was a haematoma and described it as a bruise in the uterus. Really common with IVF pregnancies apparently but unsure why. It depends on the size and location whether they are to be concerned about or not and they usually resolve themselves by 12 weeks by reabsorbing into the body. Be assured that baby was fine and they didn't seem concerned. I was having scans with EPU every 2 weeks to check up (and reassure me) and by 12 weeks it was gone, maybe see if you can get a follow up with them just for reassurance? And if you have more bleeding definitely go back to them as they should see you again! Hopefully it will be a one off.
I'm now 29 weeks and had no bleeding since! Good luck 💕
Yeah I might ask them if I can have a follow up scan in two weeks just to reassure me the bleeding has definitely slowed just a little spotting when I wipe now….
Quick question so I had that sudden bleed Thursday and it stopped turned to brown a few days later just wiped again today and brown blood again freaking out any advice