I'm due 4 weeks tomorrow. Just curious when singletons ivf babies arrived for you? 😇
What gestation was baby born (IVF sin... - Fertility Network...
What gestation was baby born (IVF singletons)

I was due a planned c-section at 39+2(no issues just what I wanted after this long journey)and she decided to arrive 38+5.Hoping you have a safe delivery.x
She arrived on her due date Very best of luck! xx
I'm currently 39+5, and no signs of baby coming yet....
39+1 for my first, I was due to be induced at 39 weeks but went into labour naturally that day! Was a long labour from when my waters broke but vaginal birth.
I’m due 2nd in 3 weeks time and hoping to do the same, they have said will induce me just after 39 weeks if I haven’t went naturally and will give me a sweep at my next appointment (38+4) to help me along. There is a slightly higher chance of placenta stopping working in IVF babies past 39 weeks (and also in older women) so I’m more than happy to go a week early again!
I also cannot wait to just get baby here safely and not be pregnant anymore 😆🥰 good luck to you! xx
Exactly 39 weeks for me. Hoping for similar time with my second ivf'er 💕
37+1 planned C-section due to placenta previa
Following as I’m currently 36+2! Getting exciting! Good luck to all!!! Xxxx
39+2 🙂 I had a show at 38+6 and contractions started appearing sporadically at 39 so I knew something was happening! Wishing you all the best xx
With my son in 2018 I had a sweep on my due date and he came the next day, emergency c-sec 40+1
elective c section 39 +3 because she was measuring big. 9lb 7oz. Absolutely no signs of labour so I do wonder when she would have come and how big she would have been x
38+3 & I went into labour naturally x
I had a c section at 40 + 10
38+2 my little girl decided to arrive, spontaneous labour started the day before. Wishing you the best. X
T+3 spontaneous and RAPID!!
induced a few days before due date for both due to sizes of babies…which were wrong 🙂
elective c section 39 + 2! I often wonder if she would have arrived on het due date or how long after she would have arrived if it hadn’t been for the c section. Even on c section day she looked rather perturbed at being plucked from the womb.., I have a feeling she would have stayed put.
My DE baby arrived at 34w. I went into labour and had a c section. My waters broke pre term pre labour at 31 weeks and managed to keep baby for a further 3 weeks.
Semi elective c section at 40 + 2 following failed induction. She was too comfy inside!
I was induced at 38 weeks because of pre-eclampsia! Low platelets also meant that if we waited any longer I couldn't get the epidural.
38+3 my waters broke and everything went really quick after I'm due now with ivf sibling in 4w4d 😀 but I hope/think she will also come out around 38w
I went to 41+2 with my first. I ended up with an induction although, super easy as she was ready and waiting! With my second, I was induced at 39 weeks due to estimated size of baby and my age. That was a little harder but fast and safe so no complaints! Good luck xx
I was induced at 41+2 as baby was showing no signs of wanting to come out 😅
38 + 5 planned c section. Good luck wishing you all the best!
11 days late! ❤️