I have covid 19 and have received a monoclonal infusion To help stop it from progressing. I can already feel my liver kinder hurting. My fever is around a 102 and I want to take something but I don't want to hurt my liver any more and there's no doctors who will speak to me. Any advice? It seems that after you get the infusion it makes you feel worse at 1st before you get better. I have stage to fibrosis Nash. Thank you
I have covid! Can I take ibuprofen? - Living with Fatty...
I have covid! Can I take ibuprofen?

Gosh, covid advice is really above our pay grade. Generally the only pain med that liver docs talk about is tylenol up to 2 grams per day but with liver disease don't be hesitant to go to an emergency room if necessary. It is a risky for us as a comorbid condition and needs to be closely watched if possible. Good luck
I was told by my daughter to not take Tylenol is that what you're saying I guess I'm confused in your message he told me to take advil no Tylenol. Then I had a friend who was going through liver failure and he was saying the same he could only take Advil, motrin
There are lots of competing opinions about the over the counter products. Here is an article by a hepatologist explaining it. Best to avoid them all if you can but this is a good discussion of the reasons
You need to ask your Doctor what you can take.
I was always told not to take any meds that go through your liver. NO to Tylenol, I was told it makes it worst. I always take Aleve it goes through your kidneys. They first thought Tylenol had created my NASH. I lived on Aleve for a year for back problems and I'm ok.
I took Ibuprofen. Had to get fever down. I heard Tylenol was the worst.
If you read my post there was no doctor I could speak with who would give me a straight answer. I am finding that most doctors are useless and you have to be your own advocate and do your own research and get as much info you can because most of them don't know squat.
👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏 Very true and I'm right with you I do my own research and then my doctor he will tell me one thing I look at him like hes crazy he actually told me I could drink I couldn't believe it I said I can't drink I have Nash I said my lover is not at 1:00 it's not normal he says you can have a drink here and there anyway you are correct my friend It's up to us and God
Thank you, please pray for me
We all need prayer and I pray every day. "Dear father please help us through this possible life threatening condition. Nourish our bodies with the right foods and heal our liver and give us the strength to guide us down the right path of healing and nutrition. Please help us father as we need you. *Amen 🙏
My nephew had an infusion after catching cov, his doc told him to take aspirin, 2 every 6 hrs. for 3 days.
I have cirrhosis, PBC, and NAFLD. I asked my gastroenterologist what I could safely take as a pain reliever and he said Tylenol was best. Not ibuprofen. He was a pharmacist before he was a GE so I trust this info. It's challenging though when so many doctors disagree. I think the link that nash2 gave you is a really good clear article.
It's amazing the conflicting information. I want you guys to know not only did I have monoclonal antibodies empty bodies but I went and got an augmenten prescription for antibiotics because my cause my throat is so severe, And that while covid is a virus it can turn bacterial.
I was told by my hepatologist, to take Tylenol. Not Aleve or Advil. I have PBC. I also suffer from migraine headaches. So when I get one, I take Fioricet. The main ingredient in that is Tylenol. He said it’s perfectly OK to take.
My heptalogist told me to take Tylenol. Ibuphophen, Aleve, and aspirin can cause bleeding. If you have ascities, which I don't, you don't want to cause internal bleeding.She is a transplant specialist and knows her stuff.
My heptalogist said to take Tylenol. Ibuprofen can lead to internal bleeding. Tylenol is safe when not taking too much.Best to ask your own doctor.
Good luck and feel better.