HI, I feel so discouraged by healthcare. My story - No one can say "why," yet I appear to have fast advancing liver disease. I do have several autoimmune ds ie Hashimotos, Fibromyalgia, adrenal issue etc - but so far tested neg related to liver, no hepatitis etc but am + EBV w/o mono, No diabetes A1c 4.7 .
I've had fluctuating very elevated enzymes off/on since 2019 - no rhythm or reason -AST/ALT's have been as high as 800 - 1,000 thankfully not often, usually 200 -300's, occas down to 40- 80's but they can literally be 400 today, 80 tommorow & 153 the next. Alk Phos usually high 200 -300's but can be 400's or occasionally as low as 150's.
I've had Covid x 3, last in May (vaccinated x5), & every time all my labs go crazy. I'm not overweight & have eaten/lived healthy since 2007 when I had RNY Gastric Bypass. Eaten "healthier" since NAFLD dx plus watch personal hygiene products/cleaning products & healthier yet since January biopsy (2nd bx). Alcohol rare entire life (in 50's)- no drugs. My NAFLD developed appx 11yrs AFTER I was no longer obese.
Now advancing rapidly -in 1.5 yrs recent abdominal xray - enlarged lobe, bx's say advanced a whole stage F2 - F3, + secondary Hemochromatosis w/o issue. Hx anemia, but not current. I've had a ton of different types of labs (though not LIVERFASt, many MRI's & 2 MRCP's w/o contrast -,which didn't show much. Denied fibroscan bc I had 2 biopsies. The enzyme theory is it might be a stone hiding in biliary from choley, but that's it. On 3rd GI Dr & she says I'm doing everything right. No suggestion & NO PLANS since Jan though. "Continue as I'm doing" - they don't believe there's anything I can do to change this. I'm very scared.
I did see liver specialist at a transplant hospital for 1st biopsy - he said something else is causing enzymes/liver issues but he had no clue what. Said "your liver is fine" that I did NOT have a fatty liver - not to worry it was "normal for age" - yet it said "F2 & fibrosis" & steatosis was mentioned (no grading). I even said that to him, still "no."
My recent/ 2nd bx different hospital & very painful, did NOT say NASH, only says F3 but with lots of steatosis- no grading like I see on other's reports. I had to ask GI if it was NASH. But received no teaching or why it didn't have a grading on it.
Yesterday, I saw Nephro for very low sodium (126- norm 135) /low calcium - a very extensive & good visit - labs/history /exam - diagnosed with red hands, clubbed toes/some fingers (showed 3 Dr's & none knew what they were), hyponatremia/hypocalcemia. Been exhausted 75% of the time, plus since May, bilateral lower edema- Dr said all above bc of my liver!
This seems very bad to me. I'm so confused & worried- is clubbing usually with NASH or Cirrhosis? Cause I've had it all for atleast a year.
I'm phyically unable to exercise or cook much but simple meals , still trying to improve my dietary choices.
Any ideas what could be causing my NASH or whatever this is?
Is clubbing seen with NASH or only Cirrhosis?
Dr wise - Any suggestions where to go &/or what to ask for?
Is Medicare still paying for the LIVERFASt test & how to I ask/get it done?
Is a Fibroscan recommendated after a biopsy?
What else can I do to help myself?
Sorry this was so long.
Thank you