Are there any natural supplements to avoid? Dr recommended 800 vitamin, milk thistle only. Holistic recommended tumeric, ginger, cbd oil and dandelion root tea. Can anyone give me some advice in this area?
Natural supplements: Are there any... - Living with Fatty...
Natural supplements

Welcome. I can only tell you what I take. Vitamin E, coholine, fish oil and milk thistle. All the best,
Thank you so much for responding. It's all so overwhelming to me. I've had this disease since 2011 and as though I thought I was eating well seems maybe not as I now have Nash. I really don't even understand how I have this. Everyone has been very helpful with their own experiences and I can def relate which is helpful. Take care

Hi Mia
You will get every kind of opinion about this. There is good evidence that Vitamin E is helpful. A lot of people believe in milk thistle but research is mixed. The herbals are very popular but not a lot of real proof that they work. Lots of passionate believers but it is also true that there is a lot of fraud in the unregulated supplement market and you can't be sure what you are getting so you do take risks when you use them. A lot of plants have active ingredients but real tests are limited and as a patient you can't really know what effect they will have. Just from a statistical perspective, if tumeric and ginger were of great value you would expect countries like India which uses them a lot to have less disease. Their rate of liver disease is about 23 per hundred thousand compared to the US at about 10. That doesn't prove things either but when considering folk remedies it is worth thinking about where they come from and how those folks are doing. I often am told about ancient Chinese remedies. They must be good because they are so old. Just remember, those are the same folks who sell tiger penis as a cure for erectile dysfunction. Traditional doesn't mean effective. It is also true that everyone has their own version of biochemistry so may react differently to different chemicals.
Hey Wayne,
How come you do do not recommend Choline? Just wondering....
Choline is a vital nutrient with a lot of interactions throughout the body. Choline deficiency can be a problem so conceptually there is a lot we don't know. Some forms are processed by the liver others are not as just an example. It is also a common part of every cell. A healthy diet that is rich in plants will supply adequate amounts. The body can also make it from other feed-stocks so without evidence of a deficiency we wouldn't suggest it. Just one consideration to think about. Lipid soluble forms bypass the liver but water soluble forms are processed by the liver. If the goal is to minimize liver workload, supplementation by a water soluble form may not be a great idea. In general it is part of the idea that our chemistry is so complex that we really have no idea about everything that happens so supplements, absent good testing, are risky for an ailing liver.
I ask because you know the "livolin forte" our some of European and Asian friends recommend, Choline is one of the ingredients. I wondered why and researched and it has something to do with the liver and Choline helping it sort out fat. Your answer is the most truth ful , i.e diet first! I have found this to be true as well.
I do not believe there is any data to support milk thistle helping - healing a damaged liver. Having said that I hear a lot of people saying good things about it as well as turmeric and vitamin E.
I’m currently using ;ironically the essential oils I have now been selling for years on this new condition- my enzymes have lowered and praying all the othe other supplements mentioned I will begin- will also help with this condition 🙏🏻
Hello, I as well do use essential oils. Do you mind sharing what oils you use to help.
My apologies I didn’t see this post - still getting use to how it’s set up .
Rosemary ,chamomile,juniper berry ,carrot seed ,geranium,blackcumin, a our proprietary blend of zendocrine
All added to a carrier oil & rubbber overlive area.
Drink lemon water in AM first thing , then organic green tea , then coffee, take supplements and I pray!
I sent this message to the group 6 months ago, since writing this my husband's GGT levels have remained around the same level and everything remains the same. Might be helpful:
I avoid Vitamin C supplements or in any I take because it causes the liver to absorb iron more readily. Iron gets deposited in the liver making it unpliable when there is too much because it can not get rid of it. I do not eat anything with added iron- enriched wheat flour, cereals, so many things have it as ferrous Sulfate, glutamate, carbonate...anything ferrous.
Interesting. I asked about vit e, I was told
No, because I'm a diabetic... Asked
About actos, was no longer advised
To use .
I have lived with a fatty liver for fifteen years since being diagnosed - may have had it before that but not tested.
I dont know anything about it or what supplements are regarded as helpful but I slipped from pre diabetic into diabetes 2 and started some serious changes in what supplements / food I took.
Over a three month period my Liver Function Test has returned to normal , this is after fifteen years of never really dropping. I stopped statins at the start of this period to.
ALP U/L pre 166 now 100 GGT U/L pre 71 now 24 ALT U/L pre 31 now 15
I have no idea which supplements did this as I was trying to control my glucose and did successfully bring that down from 8.4mmol/L to 5.9mmol/L in under 90 days per blood test.
The ones which may have achieved this ( at a guess ! )
Taurine @ 2000mg day ( 1000mg tab) taken with magnesium.
Brewers Yeast @ 1950mg x 3 times a day ( tab. 650mg )
Gymnema Sylvestre 400mg x 3 times a day
Serrapeptase 40000 units x 2 times a day ( occasionally 100000 units in total ) one capsule is 20000 units.
My list is extensive (17 sups.) but owing to my blood test being so successful I dont know which to phase out now as originally I was going to do two three month trials of different supplements - now there is no need .
My doctor said no iron. I’ve heard milk thistle is the best. Good luck!