Got a fibro scan and my results were cap 248 and kpa 5.7. I asked what this meant and they said that it was good. The doctor just recommended to lose weight and start eating veggies. I read somewhere that fibroscan wasn't accurate and there was another tests that were more accurate. I feel like it's an endless battle sometimes, or maybe I'm expecting too much too fast. I can't seem to lose weight either. I tried fasting, which I'm good at now, and nothing. Eating healthier.
Fibro scan verses others: Got a fibro... - Living with Fatty...
Fibro scan verses others

I was dianosed with fatty liver and fibrosis in 2019, I stopped all alcohol consumption never drank much anyway, I started a low carb diet and exercise. Have lost 85lbs before covid hit but I believe that is best way to fight this silent 2022 my cap was 239 & my kpa was 8.9 ..I get a fibroscan once a yr in September.
Thanks for the information.
If you're interested in low carb diet let me know will put it out in Sept. What my new fibroscan reading, is have had a hard few months this year with shoulder replacement surgery and just come home from hospital from 2 strokes.
Hope your feeling better soon and looking forward to great results for you in September.
Oh my goodness!!! I hope you are okay; two stokes!!! Do they have any clues as to why you might have had them? You've worked so hard to be healthy for years. I pray you won't have long term problems from it all. We can totally relate to the shoulder joint replacement. My husband is about to have his... 7th reverse shoulder revision surgery in Sept. ( 6 full replacements and the last one 9/2023 was for removal of all metal and replacement with just an Antibiotic Spacer). Now, a year later, he'll get another metal joint. The antibiotic filled Spacer has been fractured since 11/2023 and causing pain, but he had to hang tough until it had been one year without metal in his body (for the best hope for being germ free). First Reverse Shoulder replacement surgery in 4/2019, he was given a germ in the O.R., which we've been battling all this time. Needless to say, the hospital germ is not a normal germ that you take a couple weeks of antibiotics and you're cured. It's highly antibiotic resistant and never shows up in your blood until you're a Death's Door. I had to learn how to infuse him each day with IV antibiotics (many times for 3 months at a time) and I had to learn to do his daily wound packing because even though our insurance would pay for daily wound nurse to come to our home, NO agency would send someone to a home daily. The Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) wound nurses would, but we are outside of their mileage radius. So, I'm about half trained to be a nurse now! He is the Liver patient and I'm his liver manager : ) too. He's having his yearly Fibroscan this week, and I'm praying it is on the good side. All the shoulder issues have put roadblocks in sticking with exercise routines. I know a number of folks here have been on medication trials and I'd love to hear which medications seem to work best for liver fibrosis. He reduced the fat in his liver to almost none, but had significant Fibrosis. Also, is anyone still having repeat LIVERFASt blood tests done? If so, are insurance companies paying? He had one done 4/2021. Thanks for any information shared.
So I was diagnosed in March 2023 via a UGAP ultrasound. They use a Logiq E10 and Logiq E10 S.
Like a fibroscan, it is liver specific and stages both fatty liver and fibrosis. It is newer technology and one of the benefits, supposedly, is it is more accurate especially in heavier patients. That staged me at the cusp of severe fatty liver, don't remember the fibrosis score or if they even gave it to me.
I changed my diet, added exercise, lost a lot of weight, had a fibroscan in April 2024. The results of that were Dbm 228, KPA 3.4. (S0, F0). Neither the hepatologist or my PCP believed that result so the hepatologist sent me back to the department that uses the UGAP for a "confirmatory ultrasound." The UGAP "confirmed" the Fibroscan with a 172 Dbm and no sign of any fibrosis.
All to say that if you can find a place that uses the newer technology with this GE Logiq ultrasound, I recommend one.
Well I get a fibroscan once a year, I believe there are other tests but this is 1st test, if it warrants other than they will proceed. A big task is trying not to get in a hurry, I have same problem, plus before covid hit I lost 85lbs now cann't seem to loose any more plus been diabetic for 35yrs which give me alot of issues with my liver.So Oct 2nd is my appointment with my hepotoligist and will have my fibroscan for the year to see my progress! I will let you know!