My daughter was born at 28 weeks, weighing just 2lb10. We spent 4 months in intensive care and since birth her main problem has always been around her digestion and bowels.
She was born dairy/lactose intolerant so was put onto Neocate until she was 16mths. Since then she has been on Alpro soya for children (dietician recommendation)
We have a weekly battle with chronic constipation. Trying to pass ginormous stools that cause her such pain and often result in bleeding.
She screams and screams in pain, she stops eating completely and won’t even sit down so therefore won’t go in the car so we end up housebound for days until the poo is passed.
I have paid to be seen privately and she was tested for coeliac, she isn’t.
They have put her onto a large daily dose of sodium picosulphate. Sometimes it works, more often it doesn’t and we still have a weekly episode of screaming and tears, which is so heartbreaking to witness.
We are in the midst of a bad episode and I just do not know which way to turn, I feel alone and that I’m doing something wrong.
Please...any advice?? I want to help her so much.
Thank you xx