My son who is nearly 6 has had bowel problems from a really young age. I've took him to the doctors a few times and they keep giving me laxatives but I'm not sure it is helping .he suffers alot with belly aches and when he feels like he wants to go hes in so much pain hed rather not push it out . I have to send him to school with a sanitary towel on so he doesnt mess his under pants. I have to buy new ones weekly 👎 He is always leaking from his bum I try not to show my frustration. The joy I see on his face when there is no mess in his pants on his face is priceless mum theres no poo he says 😬 I try not to make a big deal off it but his twin brother always says i can smell poo so it makes him embarrassed I lie and say I cant smell anything but I just take him to the bathroom and cream him up. Any more advice or tips would be helpful going to try get an appointment tomorrow again
Help me please : My son who is nearly 6 has had bowel... - ERIC
Help me please

Could he be impacted? He might need some stool softeners to help him please a blockage. If you’re on Facebook join “Movicol Mummies” everyone is very supportive and might have some good advice for you. I hope you manage to get a doctors appointment soon x
I highly recommend you checkout the link about including the video. I just found it yesterday x
My son is nearly 9 and has suffered since he was a baby. He was in movicol for years and I was convinced as he was on it that he wasn’t constipated but he was and the soiling he has was in fact overflow. About 15 months ago we did a disimpaction with sodium picosulphate as recommended by the doctor. He was then put on senna and this was he start of things improving. Now he hardly ever soils and if he does I know it is because he is constipated again.
I would definitely recommend speaking to the doctor about whether he needs a disimpaction.
Good luck
Thank you so much for your message. I took him to the docs this afternoon and they put him on laxido AGAIN 👎 3 times a day. I told her it's not helping him it's just making him leak. But she said if hes still constipated in 2months to bring him back. Is there any food you know that will make him constipated please?
We haven’t found it related to diet for my son, but we found probiotics made a slight improvement.
Over time we have found the things that work best are: lots of water, ten minutes on the toilet about 20 minutes after a meal (we find after breakfast is best) with his feet up on a stool. We were referred to a consultant at the hospital and they have really helped us get the balance of medication right (senna was key for us)
Check this out re diet
I have taken my daughter to a consultant privately he recommended 5ml of sodium picosulfate along with the movicol to help push the poo through. Only on it a few days but there is lots coming - so not sure if this is disimpacting