I have had my Mirena replaced recently, but as with the first one I've come to relise as soon as I start taking a multi vitamin supplement my body starts trying to have a period. Some thing that thanks to the coil I don't have . Does anyone else have this problem ? I need the multi vits as I'm low in vit D and tired ALL the time.
MULIT VITAMINS 'V' MIRENA Help ! - Endometriosis UK

How strange! I've had a coil for three months, my periods haven't completely stopped as yet but seem to be reducing each month. Ive been taking a multi vitamin for about two months along with some other supplements I started taking. Does it happen with different makes of vitamins? Can you just take purely vit D? x
Yes it does the same with all supplements, when I stop them my break through bleeds and pains stop. I'll have to look into whether I can just get vit d . Thanks for answering x
Same thing happens to me with any supplements, so I always give up on taking them. I figured I'd try again and just started taking vitamin D and yet again stomach cramps and bleeding. Not sure if I should continue with the vitamins and let my body get readjusted or stop taking them again?
Quick response, but Yes!!!!!!! Am on nexplanon, but same thing!
Yes you can take just purely Vit d. I have an oil in a little tea tree oil like bottle. 2 drops in the tongue daily. Make sure it's d2 and d3.
Thank you , do you buy it at health food shops ? X