can a womb infection after D&C cause endo? - Endometriosis UK

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can a womb infection after D&C cause endo?

lara5710 profile image
10 Replies

hello there, posted a previous post (longer) re this but haven't had any response (prob to long a post) just wondered whether anyone has heard of getting endo after having had a serious infection (pseudomonas) in womb and cervix after a d& trauma infection...? got lap monday very anxious x

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10 Replies
wp22 profile image

Yes you can get endo from an infection, That is how I got mine 4 years ago. I have also heard after a c section you can get it too. Also after abortion, both d@c type and the pill type. Read a horrific article of a now 32 year old was raped by her father from age of 5. Because it was so violent she ended up with endo as you are not supposed to have sex when you are a child. You can contract endo in lots of different ways, not just be born with it. But the dr,s probably wouldn't agree, hey what the he.. do they know!!! X

lara5710 profile image
lara5710 in reply to wp22

hi Ladies, thak you for your replies, WP22, thanks for your info, may I lease ask what infection you got and your symptoms and were they fairly soon after having the infection? My Consultant has requested he does a lap this coming Monday , I have mixed feelings- definitely know there are issues I never used to have pre d&c and infection in endometrium but I don't want to feel a fraud if it comes back clear....there must be a reason though for pains and the symptoms I get..? Thanks v much

wp22 profile image


I don't know where my infection had come from but I just remember 4years ago when I first ever felt symptoms and it was a burning sensation and as if something was 'in there' that shouldn't be. I did have food poisoning a few months before from a holiday in Turkey. Before this I was totally healthy, just the odd few colds a year, so never had an illness. But when you think about it any upset or trauma in there is bound to test the limits. I think you can get endo from lots more circumstances than the dr's let on. It's that 'fine balance' between being normal to any sort of trauma in there which upsets the balance and then things can go easily wrong.

Hey don't you worry about feeling a fraud if everying comes back clear. Obviously you have doubts as you wouldn't put yourself through a lap. These consultants are there to try and help us and get paid accordingly. If it wasn't for us unfortunates the wouldn't be in the wonderfully well paid job in the first place. There is always a reason for pains and symptoms, its our body telling us there is something not right. Good luck for Monday and hopefully you will get some answers. Post back and I will keep in touch, its good to know others are in the same boat. x

lara5710 profile image
lara5710 in reply to wp22

hi there thanks v much for your answer, I'm still doubting endo as I don't get burning pin, more scratchy, crampy an very sharp searing ain on bm esp during period (tmi!) and during ov, I shall email tomoro or tues and let you know thaks again xx

wp22 profile image

Hope all goes smoothly tomorrow and catch up in next few days x

lara5710 profile image
lara5710 in reply to wp22

Hi there, sorry for delay, was only discharged yest as wasnt too well after lap, my heart rate was 140 for 24 hours after so now they're looking into why I'm tachycardic after ga! Ok, no one could read my Consultants writing and as he didn't realise I was kept in after the op he didnt come and report back to me but one Doctor managed to read part of his notes which said my ovaries an uterus were clear but that I had signs of chronic pelvic inflamm disease all brought on by this pseudomonas infection after the d&c after I had retained placenta in June...I don't know re any further details but if is PID then it doesn't sound too good as it's prob too late to treat me now being that it's been 6 Consultant is going to ring me Friday as he wants to explain what he found so all in all not particularly that great esp as 90% of PID is caused by sti's of which I've never ever had and been with my Husband since the age of 16...I know I've had 2 children and am very lucky but I was also v fertile before all of this so if that's now been taken away because of an infection I got from the original op I'm gutted...not sure what's worse really- endo or pid! Bth very similar symptoms!x

wp22 profile image

Hi sorry to hear about you being kept in after your op. I was kept in in August after mine. I would say from what you wrote your infection was from retained placenta. I had similar 4years ago and it was actually retained product from pregnancy and before this I too, like you was highly fertile and I had no health problems. My fertility has also been taken away from me too and I'm gutted beyond belief because I want another child and feel I will never get pregnant again. Isn't it just horrible to be in this forced situation and the Docs don't seem to be in a rush to help us. I think I am nearly at the stage were I am thinking just enjoy life with what I have, because of this sh.t disease I have wound up with, it has taken away my life as I knew it before, the painless, carefree, highly fertile, disease free life. I'm so sad. Your not on your own and PS. I don't trust most of these doctors X

lara5710 profile image
lara5710 in reply to wp22

Hi again thanks for replying, I really feel for you too as it is going to be devastating to hear I shouldn't ever have anymore, I know I should be thankful for the two we have but there was always the chance say in the future to maybe have one more finances be informed and only partially informed at present that I've now got chronic pid is heartbreaking ESP when you go into hops to have retained products removed and end up worse off (they tore my cervix in the erpc) and I thi this lead to the first infection ..or second..have you definitely been told of this now? Have you just the one child ? It is very sad when you were once like you say perfectly healthy and fertile, now I have trouble esp during ov and on menstruation to even go to the toilet it sis very degrading also having so many examinations..I just wish there had been better communication to my consultant when I had the ret placenta as he was kept in the dark until he saw me in hosp attached to the Drip to treat the pseudomonas, I was In a week and to not even tell him makes me angry. I'll know more tomorrow when he rings so I will update you, did you have pid too which ended up in endo.? Makes me mad to ink 90percent get from sti's and I've never had that but mine was definitely from the post child birth problems....I know you're right to appreciate what we have as I know it could be a lot worse but the are Times I'm getting quite sad about it...xx

wp22 profile image

Hi yes thats bad not being told the full story. I wouldn't mind but its our bodies and we have to know. I didn't have PID I had retained product from a morning after pill that didn't work. They havn't mentioned this to me but I know its that that has caused all this sh.. inside me. I must have got an infection because when I had my lap surgeon told me he had taken some scar tissue out and I saw the pictures too. He even said when did you have an infection. News to me as I'd never heard of endo until about 3years ago. I have one child conceived 5 weeks after trying with me ex. First time trying and havn't really met anyone 'special' enough since. But is now 12 and happy. The morning after pill was 4years ago and I didn't realised I was actually pregnant. So like you was very very fertile. It has been taken away from us and as women its our right to have babies if we want them don't you think.

I hope you recover soon from the op, it took me around 3wks to drive and I have no visible scars, which is great. X

lara5710 profile image
lara5710 in reply to wp22

hi again,thank you :) sorry it's been a while, had awful week after op, feeling and being v sick, I'm very sorry to hear your story, that's very sad, it is terrible to have your choice ripped away from you regardless of whether you have one or 2 or however many children, it's the choice aspect and the fact you didn't bring it on yourself or choose..... -I replied to another post so i hope you don't mind but i've copied it here too?ok, cosultantant did ring but didn't want to discuss all findings in detail and has asked that I come 7th Jan but also to bring my Husband too....I usually attend all appoints with consult just me so we're both worrying as he did say yes there was definitely inflammation but he really wouldn't, Sat still v heavy heavy bleeding with clots (sorry) and this was now 6 days post surg with bleeding getting worse and cramps so my Husband took me back to hosp where they checked for infction blood count etc...they eventually dischg me but awaiting swabs. Doc there (not consultant said she couldn't get my notes as were in consultant's office but did say he would have either asked for both my husband and I to come together to discuss further surg or thing which I kept asking way back in June after the d&c then after getting pseudomonas 5 days later (def from the hosp as surgeon tore cervix in d&c and pseudomonas is renound for getting from hosp equip!)...anyway I was worried at the time and kept questioning whether it causes infertility which they shrugged off (all this time after getting ret placenta, having d and c then getting this serious infection not one doctor thought to inform my consultant- he discovered me in a side room when was in for a week on iv antib and said what are you doing here?!'' am now 8 days post op..still feeling and have been vomitting not since wed) but feeling v sick, no appetite . lost 8 pounds am not very heavy pre op anyway so look horrible and v v low think i've got PID not from an sti (been with husb 14.5 years and had no trouble whatsoever pre baby-never ever had sti's...) but from the hosp- the very place that was meant to ''mend' me after complications after childbirth....and now I could be infertile I feel so gutted and also very anxious as really cant face any more ops I don't recover too well...x

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