Hello😊 I'm new here and thought this might be a good place to ask this question. Ive suffered endo since my periods began. It caused fertility issues. Ive had 2 laparoscopic surgeries to remove endo, the last surgery was 4 years ago and they also removed a fallopian tube and ovary cyst. Im 48 and in perimenopause, I've been on desogestrel for 4 years to suppress the endo and its worked brilliant, no periods for 4 years! However, my perimenopause symptoms are a nightmare, brain fog, forgetfulness, joint aches and pain (diagnosed fibromyalgia), very dry, sore, itchy vagina, insomnia worse than it already was. So ive tried ovestin for the past week and I started having urine problems, constantly going to the toilet, then the ache started along lower abdomen and up the right side, I went to drs and they said it was a uti even though no signs of infection, my ph levels very alkaline. Started antibiotics and the ache got worse, my whole abdominal area felt internally hot and sore on palpitation, it felt like a very bad endo flare, I was bloated and aching. But my joints throughout my body were also aching. Do you think ovestin could trigger an endo flare? Could it be my own estrogen just happened to sky rocket at the same time I was using the cream causing too much estrogen? The flare seems to be calming down now, but for 6 days I've had this flare and started ovestin 7 days ago, coincidence? Any advice would be appreciated. As a side note everytime I've tried the gel or patches I get sinus congestion, leading to uncomfortable sinusitis, I'm thinking that this is a histamine reaction, maybe I'm just very sensitive to estrogen? That kind of sucks being a woman! Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Can ovestin cause endo flare?: Hello😊 I'm... - Endometriosis UK
Can ovestin cause endo flare?

I’d post this onto the Balance App and see if you get some clues. Also, the Drs test gives false negatives 50% of the time so it could well be a UTI that’s not showing up. I’d check out Live UTI free and you might get some more ideas. Hope this helps, I also have Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause aged 40 and adenomyosis & endo so you have my sympathy- it’s horrid and confusing what to do!
Hi, I'd ask for an ultra sound as the start of investigations. Unfortunately estrogen does make endo flare if it's not properly opposed by progesterone. Are you taking progesterone? You must take both or you'll become estrogen dominant. This isn't a medical term but a lot of people refer to it. Please look into it. I have had a similar experience. Estrogen in peri is erratic not steadily declining so you could easily have times across the month where its too high. You need progesterone (natural not synthetic) to calm everything. Please message me if you need more info.
Hi! I am taking desogestrel which stopped my periods for 4 years. I didn't realise you could have an endo flare with no periods, it took me completely by surprise! When I suspected an endo flare I started taking utrogestan, the flare seems to be calming down. Areas in my abdomen are still sore to touch and still feel internally warm, so I will mention to my dr this flare in the hope that they will start investigations. I think ive always been estrogen dominant, hence the endo, i also have fibroids. This just took me by surprise, I'm also having urine analysed just to make sure there's no bacteria causing an infection. Thank you for your reply. It's nice that i can reach out for support, i don't feel so alone xx
Well everyone is very different and responds differently to HRT. My issue is constant (very) heavy bleeding - 2 years now. I'm on zoladex which stops your ovaries releasing hormones. I'm on utrogestan 200mg daily and a tiny half a pump of estrogen. This is because I was still bleeding on zoladex. At the moment I'm ok but I have headaches because of the low estrogen. It takes time to balance. If you've had anti biotics you need to fix your gut micro biome as it's the gut that helps us to metabolise estrogen down the correct pathways with bile. Antibiotics kill your good gut flora. Read as much as you can, but if you have fibroids and endo then I'd be mindful around estrogen despite what the world and their wife says about it. Do your OWN research. Xxx
Sunset lady thank you for that. I really appreciate you sharing your protocol with me. Thankfully I'm not bleeding, I'm just going to have to play around with hrt and be mindful to take things slowly with the onus on more progesterone. And yes im definitely taking good bacteria after antibiotics. I really hope you can find a way to stop the heavy bleeding, I can imagine you're exhausted. I will do research, I'm going to ask for a different menopause consultant, because mine just doesn't seem to understand the difficulties I'm facing (I have a Male consultant). I wish you all the best xx