First laparoscopy and scared of not getti... - Endometriosis UK

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First laparoscopy and scared of not getting any help.

twosugarsplease profile image
7 Replies

I'm having my first laparoscopy to diagnose/confirm endo in a week's time and feeling very nervous. All the medics have been great explaining the procedure and got some really helpful advice from here but I'm worried over what they'll find.

The journey to get to this point of suspected endo has taken so long. Most of my childhood once I'd started my periods were repeated colonoscopies to look for IBD (which I didn't have and nobody told me that painful and bloody bowel motions can be symptoms of endo!). Periods have always been heavy and painful but this wasn't picked up on. It's only been recently when I kept ending up in hospital for pain and bleeding, 8 years later, that endo has been suspected. The majority of my periods ended up in a hospital admission, often being told that I must be miscarrying. How they thought I'd have sex in this state is beyond me..!

I'm so used to going through being in hospital and having procedures just to be told "there's nothing wrong with you, go home and stop complaning" that I'm afraid this will happen with the laparoscopy too. I've been in so much pain and lost so many opportunities to this through my life, I just want to know what it is now. Can anyone else relate?

Thank you xxx

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twosugarsplease profile image
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7 Replies
aliceb profile image


I can't offer much help sadly, but I can empathise - my lap is on Thursday (I still can't quite believe that this is happening) and my main concerns are either that they won't find any endo and I'll have unexplained chronic pain/fatigue, or that I'll be so riddled with it that I'll need a second, more major op. I guess from the question title that you are worrying that it won't help with the pain etc? I am also concerned that I'll go through this procedure and even if they do find endo that it won't help with the pain.

I'm sorry I can't help, but I'm around (more so than usual until my lap as it's starting to feel real) if you need to talk/rant.

I hope it all goes well.

A :)

thedogsmother profile image
thedogsmother in reply to aliceb

Gosh, I could have written this post myself!!

Lap due on Monday and am also worried. Worried they might find something and worried they won't!! If they find something, what next? I can't tolerate the pill anymore (migraines) and have had the coil for 9 months now with no real improvement. But if they don't find endo... Think that frightens me more.

Sorry OP can't be any help, but can very much sympathise. Fingers crossed for us all.


OosengaoO profile image


I'm 11 operations in (6) laparoscopy and I still get nervous. If they don't find any sign of Endo they might find something else. The main reason for a lap is to investigate what is there, once they see inside then they cam deal with whatever they find. You wouldn't be human if you weren't worried and nervous. Try be positive about it, it sometimes helps.

Here if you need to chat senga x

jojo777 profile image

Hi there

Dont worry, with the lap you are going to get your answers. I had also some nay checks and scans etc and nothing was ever found until I had a lap and endo was found.

Stay positive and maybe everything will be over soon and you will get proper treatment.

And dont forget that just because a few had 11 operations that doesnt mean anything for you. There are so many success stories out there but unfortunately dont write in these kind of blogs. I know women that after one lap they didnt get any endo back at all.

All i'm saying is that dont think that your journey will be never ending cause everyone is different.

Jo x

OosengaoO profile image

Sorry if you thought that. What I was saying is irs ok to be nervous and its natural to worry be ut your 1st operation or your 100th. Think the rest if my reply stated that jo

jen1982 profile image

Agree with the above posts, I was petrified at my first lap that they wouldn't find anything, but as you're going through so much I would be extremely surprised if they found nothing. There is nothing like the relief you get when you come around to be told they have actually found something. However, strange that sounds I can totally relate to you being scared nothing will show xxx

needingadvice profile image

I had my first laporoscopy the day after my 16th birthday after years of being told that there was nothing wrong with me! Had to see gastroentriologists, urologist and even gyaneocologist! It took me 4 appointments to finally get the surgery i needed. But the surgery is nothing to be scared of whatsoever, i was so scared about being put under but once you're under anaesthetic you cant feel a thing! And if you're in so much pain, there must definitely be something wrong and it will be picked up! i was worried that they might not find anything, started to doubt myself but i'm glad that i didnt in the end because they did find endo! Once you've been told what's wrong with you, you'll just be so glad that they told you and no more going to doctors and hospitals with them telling you it's all in your head! Good luck for you surgery anyway xxx

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