post surgery recovery: hello ! I’m super... - Endometriosis UK

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post surgery recovery

Ru8yred profile image
11 Replies

hello ! I’m super new here, this is such a helpful platform so I first want to send love to everyone diagnosed and pushing forward with just existing!

I had my surgery last Saturday, it’s Thursday now. They found dead and active endo tissue all over, made 4.5ish incisions, one removal of a cyst. I’ve never had surgery before and only was able to start walking (hobbling) yesterday but only up and down the stairs.

The hospital didn’t send me off with any post surgery info so I thought I would ask here, I feel terrible ! Not just sore but more like I’ve been hit by a bus, any movement is exhausting. I’m also really really dizzy, not sure if any of this is normal ? I’m also meant to go back to work on Monday…but that was decided when I was advised to take only a week off post surgery, before even knowing what was going to be removed? I’m not sure if anyone has healed in that time ? I’m panicking slightly as I don’t know anyone who’s had this surgery and people are expecting me to be already up and walking around, should I be ?

Any advice/help super welcome. Thank you in advance!

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Ru8yred profile image
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11 Replies
Tangoandmax profile image

No! You absolutely shouldn’t be!

I’m 7 weeks post op. Also felt like I’d been it by a bus, I was absolutely shell shocked by the aftermath to be honest. I think it’s hard for people to fully share what the wake up/first couple of days/weeks is like to others, but I was exactly the same. Initially the pain was absolutely outrageous, especially the trapped wind pain in shoulders. This eased by day 3 and by day five/seven I was able to walk more without the exhaustion. By around day 9/10 you do start to feel more human are more comfortable moving around. Avoid constipation as best you can, the opioids commonly cause it and it makes pain much worse. Keep an eye on dizziness, it may be blood pressure related, might be worth a check if you have a home monitor.

From the described removal, work on Monday wouldn’t be possible. I had an initial sick note for 2 weeks, then took an additional weeks leave. I went back 3 hours per day (from home) week four and slowly increased hours from there, I’m still working from home. For about four weeks I was napping every afternoon. Id had a bit removed, it can depend on amount done I think.

I also was sent home without any aftercare advice which was helpful. It’s astounding! They didn’t tell me when to remove dressings or anything. Do you have incision care details at least? X

Ru8yred profile image
Ru8yred in reply to Tangoandmax

Hey ! Thank you so much for this, I kinda figured the healing would take longer I just wasn’t sure. They glued my wounds up over the stitches so I’m not sure about healing, they didn’t tell me anything about them ! I think I’m going to get a sick note for sure as I am exhausted. Is there any constipation hacks ? Haha I’m just trying to eat super clean and walk when I can ! Thank you again x

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to Ru8yred

I didn’t have any glue but was supposed to remove dressings day after, clean with water (no soaps) and pat dry. Might be worth contacting the discharging ward to check if you need to do anything specific. Not certain if anything would be needed if glued though.

Clean eating will certainly help. High fibre and lots of liquids.

No problem at all. Just don’t push yourself and listen to your body, if you’re tired - rest etc. All the best for recovery xx

velowatching profile image

Oh, I'm sorry you've been sent home with no guidance!

I'm 5 weeks post op now. I was told I'd be off for a week before the surgery, but ended up being off for 2 weeks before doing a phased return. I mainly work from home, and only went into the office for the first time post-op earlier this week (I'm normally in once a week). I don't think the suggested time off really takes into consideration that what they do while they're in there can vary a lot!

The first week I was basically good for nothing! I was in a lot of pain and my brain was just not working properly. The second week things started to get better but I still wasn't up to working.

I hope your healing is going ok and things improve soon!

brontec profile image

You need to take as much time as you can and need to recover and heal properly! It is shocking and negligent of hospitals not to give proper advice or care on discharge. I am sorry you are going through this. It is a shame that only certain people in this country are entitled to recover from their surgeries in peace and comfort for almost a year and do things at their own pace whilst the rest of us poor mortals have to press on as if you have been through nothing as important. Your body needs time and you are entitled to time and support to recover and return to work when you feel able. You tell your GP what you want and please do not rush back.

I have just had a hysterectomy and was told I would be ok after 4 weeks as lots of women are! This is a nonsense and a myth and everyone is different. I am after 24 years as a worker ant and taxpayer in this country doing what I need and allowing myself to heal as I need. I’m 54 years old and have been gaslit by the medical profession that all was in my head ( even by women gynaecologists) and I can tell you having now seen the news and videos posted by those sharing their “healing”journeys on the news and so in, am giving myself the dignity and space to do what I can. You deserve the right to take the time you need. Do not rush yourself. You have been hit by a bus and any surgery is an assault on the body. Look after yourself. X

Char30 profile image

hi. Sorry to hear that you’re having a hard time after recovery. I’ve just had laparoscopy 2 weeks ago too where they found extensive scar tissue removed a cyst my bowel was fused to the back of my pelvic wall. The consultant said there was lots of adhesions and removed another cyst from fallopian tubes.

I’m telling you all this to say not to worry it took me longer than a week to recover. I was also dizzy in the first week and any movement exhausted me. It’s two weeks yesterday and I’m moving around a lot more but still getting exhausted easily. The pain has reduced a lot so it does get easier. Just have to rest when your body is telling you too. Good luck with the rest of your recovery.

Maybe you can contact your gp for a sick note to have a bit longer off.

All the best


Cocoacupid profile image

hey hun peppermint tea is good for gas pain . Avoid constipation so maybe get movicol or senna anything to stop that happening as the anesthetic really binds you up to the eye balls . Honestly take it slow if a lot was removed you need time to recover one week not enough time. When I had a cyst removed last year I had to take a month off in the end as I got sepsis from a nasty wound infection . This year for unsticking everything I was given a month but took six weeks also I have fibromyalgia so they said i may take a lot longer to recover the outside is healed but the insides take a lot longer to recover . I would ask for more time off dis they say that they took adhesions as well as the cyst as I had to wait a year for that to be removed as endo was on my bowel so I had to have an endo bowel specialist to be in my surgery as well . If your feeling dizzy please get advice from dr if it carries on . Could be post operative postural hypotension which means if you have been lying down and then try to move around too quickly when you stand your blood pressure drops . I don’t have that problem I have hypertension which is too high blood pressure so on medication for that and nearly didn’t have my operation as it was sky high . Take care . Speak to your boss see your dr to add more sick time off . You need to listen to your body even up to about five nearly six weeks I was still napping after the surgery . Wear loose fitting baggy clothes as tight stuff no good as it will put pressure on the wounds trying to heal. When in the car as passenger have a pillow between you and the belt to stop it rubbing. Xxx

Lunaloo123 profile image

I hope you’re okay. I’m so glad they found the endo. That’s a relief within itself sometimes.

This platform is great, I’ve only posted a few times and never been able to give advice before but here goes.

I had my op on Friday, to start with it was only where they’d poked and prodded that hurt but over the past couple of days, I’ve started hurting even more inside and I’m not too sure why.

If I were you, I would try and at least get another week off because you need to heal and it doesn’t sound like it’s doing so very quickly?

I feel the same, I know another lady who had her gallstones out a couple of weeks ago and was up fighting fit within 2-3 days which made me feel like I’ve been overreacting. However, what we’ve had done is not as common and it hurts like hell. My nurse friend called it a major op and although keyhole is not considered that, it is.

If you can get more time off, please do. Rest, take plenty of painkillers and I’m still sticking a hot water bottle to me constantly.

I may not be much help and everyone is different but I sort of know what it’s like and you need to heal.

Take care of yourself xx

Bakewey profile image

100% get a sick note. After my lap (noting removed) I was signed off for 4 weeks. I went back after, lasted 2 days and ended off I’ll again.: problems continued for months (which maybe wouldn’t have if I had thought about me rather than work)! As everyone has written, you need time to recover so listen to your body. Sending you warm regards.

Chia seeds with yoghurt, bone broth soups, plenty of fluids, peppermint tea and frequent very gentle mobilization. A week is ridiculous btw. X

JOSANDY40 profile image

Yes your experience is normal. Some people recover in 6 wks. Myself its always is about 12wks.Me terrible pain. Just do very little. Sleep alot, rest. Once I tried to do too much and went on a bus, got a temperature.

The aesthetics is the hardest thing to recover from.

Try to empty your bowel, get rid of gas. Move around enough. Painkillers! Plenty of veg. Small meals 6 times a day and drink extra water.

There's no quick answer.


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