Hi all - sorry to be posting again. I had my Laparoscopy on 9th of November, and I seem to be going from one extreme to another. I have been sleeping constantly all day and night pretty much until the last couple of nights, and now I have gone the other way. Last night I slept less than 5 hours, I couldn't get comfortable from the pain in my back and my incisions wounds are hurting me so much. Now, I just can't stop crying. I am supposed to be back at work on Monday, after two weeks off, but I feel nowhere near ready. I also think I may have an infection in my belly button from the incision, as it is seeping slightly. I called up the hospital yesterday and they said to monitor it for 24 hours, but I may have to go back up and get a swab and more antibiotics (I had some right after the op). I don't think the cabin fever is helping at all. Yesterday I was on my own all day as my sister and boyfriend were working, but I am just too exhausted to leave the flat. I have pretty much lived in my PJ's for the last 12 days
Sorry to have a rant - I just wondered if all of this is normal?xxx