Has anyone had a minor operation called a Hysteroscopy ?Had my right ovary removed last year also most of my left ovary having pain again also periods every two weeks I'm also taking hrt
Hysteroscopy: Has anyone had a minor... - Endometriosis UK

I had one last week. There's nothing to worry about the only thing that's a bit painful was the injection. It's more or less feels like a smear really. I also had a womb biopsy but I never felt a thing because of the local anaesthetic. the staff are great too, they made me feel at ease.
Hope everything goes ok.
A hysteroscopy involves putting a very thin fibre optic camera into the womb to see if there is anything that might be the cause of the irregular bleeding, or to take a biopsy. If there is something such as a polyp, this can be removed. They can be done under general or local anaesthetic, depending on whether your gynaecologist is trained to do it with local.
I hope it all goes well and that you find the reason for your bleeding and pain.
Yes, I had one at the same time as I had my Mirena put in, under local anaesthetic. It literally took about 30 seconds. And I got a cup of tea afterwards!
It'll be fine. Good luck x
i had a hysteroscopy last year and was not offered any anaesthetic local or general, they took a biopsy and then i had the mirena fitted after, which was what caused more pain than the hysteroscopy - at my last gynae app 2 weeks ago the consultant took another biopsy then which that did hurt lol but the hysteroscopy was just cramping not really painful, i did take some pain killers half hour before though just incase, i took co-codamol and mefanamic acid xxx
Yes, had a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy at the same time. Don't worry the incision is minute, mine doesn't even show after a short time. Truthfully, although I am not really sure what exactly you want to know about it a hysteroscopy itself isn't a problem. Like any op it depends on what they have do once the hysteroscopy picks something up like a cyst, endometriosis, fybroids etc. In my case they found lots of endo and adhesions sticking bowel to ovary and similar the other side and frankly cannot remember if they lasered the organs apart or cut them, now that was a little uncomfortable and they kept me in as the endo they found had spread to stomach. So in a nutshell the hysteroscopy itself is plain sailing basically just a look inside to see whats going on. If they go on to treat a problem found there if they find anything then it really depends how invasive they need to be to remove the problem. If they find nothing that needs treating a hysteroscopy is a piece of cake. Hope that answers your question!
Ooh, Juleyanne, I think you've got your hysteroscopy and laparoscopy mixed up - they go in vaginally for a hysteroscopy, there is absolutely no cutting involved. That's reserved for the laparoscopy
Oh dear have I! well all I know is I have had both 'at once' laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and the gyne had very broken english so I got the impression that both required cutting and cameras!
All I know, is I woke up with three incisions 'tiny' cuts in my pelvis about barely an inch long.
I stand corrected as being 'under' I obviously could not witness the procedure I had undergone but I definitely had both!
Hi Friends
pls help me out.i might need a polyp removal AGAIN !!.This is my first hysteroscopy in UK.am eligible for NHS sub fertility treatment only.could u please throw some light on ur experiences on hysteroscopy under NHS? how the funding goes and all that procedure?
I had one a week ago to take a biopsy.