Hello everyone,
My name is Stacey, I am 31 years old. I have 3 beautiful boys and an amazing husband. I started my periods very early I was 11, and from that day had horrible heavy painful periods. At the age of 14 I was so bad I was taken in for an investigation Laporoscopy. I dont remember very much I was very young but remember waking up on anti biotics and an appointment to attend Gyny clinic 4 weeks later. I attended Gyny clinic 4 weeks later with no explanation and a further ailment of bowel problems which I hadnt had before the operation. I was told to keep in touch with my own GP if pain persisted.
Weeks, months and years passed, pains still horrible, but now the bleeding on periods had become very heavy, headaches and tiredness set in making it virtually impossible to stay in college. I left and continued to hassle my GP about my illnesses and pain. I was always given different tablets which I admit I didnt take as I am not really a tablet taker. I have my paracetamol and that is all.
At the age of 21 I had had enough, I asked to be referred to a specialist which I managed to get. By this time I had already had the pill, the implant to stop periods, and counsellings.
The time came to see my Gyny specialist I was so pleased that I thought finally something will be done. My mum came with me for support. I spent 1 hour explaining the pain and tiredness and headaches the heavy bleeding the bowel problems and he said my only option was to stop the periods and that I had to have the coil. I questioned him (MALE) because I wanted some investigations, but he told me that I simply needed to try the coil. I cried in the surgery as I just knew in my heart that this wasnt the end. I sat in the waiting room after the consultation when i was approached by his nurse who comforted me and said to my mum that he refused to do anything on young women and that he didnt think I was serious. I went ahead and had the coil fitted, by this time I was working. I had to leave work due to severe bleeding and pain. The coil didnt seem to do anything, it didnt make it worse and he didnt make it better.
Days - weeks I spent in bed, 3 weeks out of 4 I would be in pain. I would bleed, I would be lifeless. It was a nightmare. I attended my Gp surgery nearly every week for 1 whole year. They would check my blood count tell me I was anemic and give me iron.
2007 I was 27 years old and I took a turn for the worse. I couldnt get out of bed, I felt like id lost my mind. I could barely lift my hand to wash. I was in so much pain, I would be physically sick. The bleeding would just pour out of me. I honest felt I was dying. I could no longer look after my 3 boys and was bed ridden. I had doctors telling me I was depressed and that I needed reviewing by mental doctors. I saw mental doctors who said I had Bi Polar Disorder, This was then revoked 3 months later when I was reviewed again and told I had no mental health problems and that I was in extreme pain, causing anxiety and so forth. This went on for 12 months. I eventually dragged myself to the doctors for what seemed the millionth time along with my husband and mum for support. As I sat pouring my heart out I got yet ANOTHER diagnosis. So now in 2009 I am diagnosed with M.E myalgic encephalomyelitis i WAS DEVASTATED. But until I started to research this found that I started to think I had been misdiagnosed once again. I was put on a waiting list to see a specialist for M.E who then diagnosed me with thyroid disorder. I was so fed up by this point. I felt like giving up! My life had all but gone
I carried on and was told after blood test that i didnt have thyroid disorder. I wanted to know why nobody investigated my symptoms properly. I wanted scans and such. I attended the GP again in 2010 jan I saw a new GP a young lady who took me very seriously. She said I needed a second opinion on my pain and bleeding and that I had got severe. She told me that she had worked for the previous Gyny specialist and that he was not operating in on young women. This was the second time Id been told this. She arranged for me to travel across town to a different hospital to see a gyny specialist.
2010 march I was seeing a very old foreign gyny who for the first time sent me for an internal scan where I was never given the results. I was told by him that I should have the womb oblation and told to go away and think about it. I went away and spoken to lots of women that has this done. I just knew in my own mind that it was not going to work for me. I discussed this with him and he said that I had only 1 option left and that was to explore and see exactly what was going on. I was delighted. FINALLY.
24 June 2011 9am I await my surgery hoping to finally get answers, finally have something done for me. Finally get my life back and be able to look after my boys. I was told that my sergery would last 1 hour max and so mum and husband awaited me.
6 and a half hours passed when I was wheeled down from surgery.
I'd had a full abdominal hysterectomy and that age of 30. i was devastated.
My Gyny Surgeon apologized to me the day after surgery. He told me that I was a medical emergency and that what he had found was a hemorrhaging Ovary, Cysts on my ovarys and the worse case of Endometriosis he had come across all over my abdomen, bowel, and possibly elsewhere. He said he never in a million years expected to find what he found inside of me.
I am nearly 12 months after surgery and still in pain. I have a team of specialists which I am under and was told yesterday that I was left that long that I will forever have the pain and symptoms. I was devastated to say the least. I have 1 ovary left inside my body with no tubes attached as I had 1 ovary which was cleaned up and left. Of course this is helping the endo to come back. I am due a CT scan in the next month to see exactly where else I have it. I am just so angry and upset that I had to go through so much to get this done and all along all my symptoms were ENDOMETRIOSIS>
I know iv not mentioned everything here but I could go on forever this illness is so much more than just pain!
I want to help in anyway I can to improve awareness and help others. As I sat in a Manchester Hospital Clinic 2 Weeks ago my nurse told me that soooo many women are going through this I just know I have to help do something.
Feel free to comment and ask any questions if you like. I hope to help if I can. I am seeking advice at the moment locally to raise awareness and my NEW Doctor is helping me. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.