I have had pain where my right ovary sits since I was about 17 years old. Finally in 2013 (now being 24) a doctor took me seriously and sent me off to a gyno. I was looked at, examined, told I was too young, probed and then told that nothing was wrong. I cannot have sex without pain and my periods are ALL the time, up to 3 times a month and lasting at least 6 days; they are also so heavy, clotted and painful. I kept on going back and finally they sent me for a laproscapy and low and behold found that I had endo around both of my ovaries. I have had the endo lazered off and also had a Marina coil inserted to try and help with the pain of my periods. I know that it takes time to heal after the opp and that the coil takes time to settle but I was in a lot of pain and had constant extreme heavy bleeding. I got taken back into hospital and sent straight to the emergency gyno who proceeded to tell me that this was perfectly normal and that I was completely fine and sent me home feeling like a bit of an idiot.
Since then I have been experiencing constant pain, a bit of weight gain (which I am now trying to combat by going to the gym 5 times a week), huge mood swings, hot flushes and constant heavy painful periods. I went to the doctors several times and they all said that everything was fine and that this is to be expected. I am almost a year down the line since the opp and had an internal ultrasound done today only to be told that my coil is in the wrong place and needs to be removed and replaced. Its so sad that its taken this long to be taken seriously. However I am still worried, I dont think the pain from my right ovary is coming from the coil being in the wrong place and previously even when I had endo they missed it on the ultrasound. I dont want to have to go through it all again, being told that nothing is wrong and that its in my head only to find out a year later that oh woops yea you were right you do have something wrong.... has anyone had a similar problem to me or any pearls of wisdom? Its starting to really get me down now and I can see it affecting my work and personal life too.
I really appreciate anyone who makes it through all of that and replies, thank you so much and sorry if I sound ridiculously moody....!