Had another lap done last Thursday consultant said no endo spread to other organs which is great news, removed some adhesions and treated an infection which he was confused by, but they told me there is something wrong with my womb - I hadn’t even come round from general properly and two operators from theatre where there talking about a hysterectomy and then I had a phone call from consultant the next day suggesting it as I’ve had the coil two years and still struggling with pain and heavy periods to consider a hysterectomy to treat my issues.
I have suffered with ridiculously heavy prolonged periods since the age of 13 my longest period was 9 months and shortest is 10 days very irregular and never had a pattern - pain can be debilitating but I’ve always carried on with heat and painkillers.
My worries are that I’m on blood thinners for life as had unprovoked pulmonary embolisms twice in the past 5 years and can’t have certain medications now HRT would be a no unless in patch form
I am 41 years old so would be starting to enter that stage in life but obviously it’s a big decision, anyone else been through similar? Or have any advice I’d be truly grateful