Hello my lovelies, I wasn't sure how to even post this. Long story short, I've had hysterectomy August last year where ovaries, uterus and tubes were removed but cervix left behind due to deep infiltration of endometriosis in rectovaginal passage and my bowel.
I've since been put on tibolone and more recently this dose has been reduced to half a tablet a day due to more endo flare ups.
Straight after my surgery I experienced extreme fatigue at times where I would get light-headed and almost feel like fainting. I've had one episode of hot flush where my vision was blurry and I felt short of breath. Lucky it was just once and then I started to take tibolone.
However due to endo flare ups with my bowel my specialist asked that we try to reduce the tibolone to half a dose per day to see how I go. All seemed fine ish except I keep getting worse with my flare ups with bowel movements. Last night however I got really bad back pain (something I struggled with before the op) and as I got up to go to the loo, I felt horrendous pain, felt sick, very hot and sick. It was really bad and at one point I fainted, all I remember is my hubby standing above me shouting my name and asking if I'm ok, I thought I was in bed but I was in my hallway on the floor. He said he heard me fall, this I do don't recall at all.
With my lightheadedness before I think it's something that my body does when not on her due to menopause. But I've never fainted before.
I'm not sure what I'm after but just thought would ask have any of you experienced something like this due to menopause while being treated for endo?
Thank you so much in advance, I'm feeling a bit lost 😞