Hi, just wondering if anyone has any advice from their own experiences... I think I have a lot of the symptoms of endometriosis: increased pain before and during my period and when I ovulate which has been getting worse over the last year, but also constant and seemingly increasing pain all the time (can’t really do anything, can’t stand or walk for long) since about 6 weeks ago, pain in my abdomen during sex and stinging afterwards, pain when my bladder is full, upset stomach during my period amongst other things but also have been having stabbing pains when I eat recently. Has anyone else experienced pain when they eat?
I have had an external and internal ultrasound which showed nothing except a small, apparently insignificant pollop. I have been referred to a gynaecologist but my appointment isn’t until September but they have suggested taking the pill to see if it eases my pain as a way of seeing if it might be endometriosis. I have been trying for my first baby for nearly a year and a half now so am not overly keen on this idea but am also in a lot of pain. I don’t know whether to try and push for a laparoscopy as it may be something else altogether. Any thoughts much appreciated thank you.