Basic questions with back story afterward as I’m sure many of you don’t want to read all of that but I can’t go on. My days are filled with pain worry and nothingness. I don’t know what to do…
Is there anyone that manages their hormones holistically? Herbs, supplements etc
What are your pros and cons on taking contraception/hormone control?
Have any of you regretted taking it vs not taking it?
What other options are there…if any atall?
i have the ‘heal endo’ book and follow an anti inflammatory diet
I have only started my endo journey but I suspect it the cause of many things that have been ‘misdiagnosed’
I have been referred to gynae thankfully so now I must wait.
My gp offered me hormone treatment/contraceptive options to help in the meantime. I refused but now I’m almost regretting the decision…
I came off the coil 6 years ago because I decided I didn’t want to fuck my body around anymore or put chemicals in it that shouldn’t be there. Basically went all holistic. This is when things went a bit haywire. I thought nothing of it and assumed body was ‘re adjusting’ after being on birth control since I was 13..
I then stopped taking my anti depressant ‘sertraline’ which I’ve now learnt is actually linked to hormone control and again this is where things further hit the fan! (I was also put on quitiapine which I stopped and was absolutely fine mentally). Mentally I’m totally ok, besides the pms/pmdd which I wasn’t aware of before because doctors just told me I had a ‘mental illness’. I’m very happy with life, happiest I’ve ever been…im just in pain which then causes anxiety because what even is all this pain and of course doctors keep telling me it’s all in my head!
I also stopped smoking weed couple years back and I swear that was also keeping things at bay. When I had my period I used to smoke a lot more and found it helped me manage the pain but didn’t put two and two together until now so I’m considering going back to that! Can’t take nsaids because of bowel/tummy pain!!
I am convinced I have endo and/or adeno and have done all along but symptoms have been suppressed/kept under control by the medication..
I really don’t want to go on birth control or take hormones unless I absolutely have to, I had bad experiences with all of the ones I took.
My fear is I take it and it doesn’t solve the issue it just masks the symptoms and when I hit menopause or stop taking it I’m going to be in more pain with more symptoms and then be ‘too old’ for laporoscopy or endo diagnosis. Or too near the menopause for it to be worth doing etc. I’ve already been fobbed off for decades and am having to fight tooth and nail to be heard by doctors, they all just see my notes and think I’m insane or a hypochondriac. Sometimes I worry I am but my partner reassured me I am not. He tells me I am not an anxious person or insane, it’s not all in my head and I shouldn’t be in this much pain. He thinks it’s endo too, it’s what makes sense to him out of everything! So because of him I am self advocating and pushing rather than letting the doctors tell me nothings wrong!
I’m only 34. I’m not trying to get pregnant (or particularly bothered if I do or don’t) but it is odd we’ve had over a year of unprotected sex and I’ve not conceived at all!
It’s gotten worse the past year, particularly the past couple of months. I barely get a couple days respite before symptoms flare up again! I am tracking everything. Wish I had done when I was younger too! So many memories are clicking into place and a lot makes sense now I know about endo/adeno and pmdd!!
Do I bite the bullet and take more chemical concoctions?
Sorry that was a lot! I’m just so fed up and tired of waiting on doctors to essentially do nothing and I’m aware how long people have waited for their diagnosis and treatment and I’m just not sure I can go on like this anymore!!