Hi all
I’m currently at my wits end.
Was finally diagnosed with endo in July after years of misdiagnosis, self administering various meds at the doctors suggestion and I thought I might have a moment or two of pain relief.
Alas I did not.
My symptoms have come back with a vengeance!!!!
I have been immobilised at times with the pain - worse than before.
When I went back to the GP and explained the surgeon carried out ablation rather than excision - rather than refer me to a surgeon who might actually know what they’re doing and get this properly under control, she is now saying it’s not endometriosis (I have the lap pictures to prove it!) and now I’m back having blood and urine tests (seriously I’ve given so many samples it’s a joke) looking for some magical mystery illness.
I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m exhausted.