What contraception is everyone on? I’ve been on the combined pill for about 7 years and I think I need a change. I was diagnosed with endo in September 17 and have been taking the pill back to back 3 monthly since June 17 after my gynae telling me to do it that way to have less periods and to control the endo.
I’m not quite sure what types of contraception help endo apart from the pill...
I just don’t want to be on the pill anymore because since I’ve been taking it back to back my sex drive is non existent and it’s starting to affect my relationship now. I’m going to make an apppintment with my GP this week to refer me back to gynae to see what they suggest but I’m wondering what you ladies do?
I don’t want to come off the pill completely without asking my gynae because I know I will just be in even more agony without it but on the other hand I need my sex drive back 😩😩
Im only 20 and I just don’t feel normal being this age with no sex drive and in constant pain