I have my laparoscopy on Tuesday, short notice cancellation, any tips and advice?
laparoscopy : I have my laparoscopy on... - Endometriosis UK

There was a recent post which might be helpful?
Wishing you well with surgery & recovery xx
If they are just having a keyhole look with no surgery on the Endo it will just be putting dye in a perhaps tiny samples. 2 to 5 days. Take some throat pastels as you might have a sore throat after due to the breathing equipment during the Op. The 1st night never is my best. Definitely painkillers, don't attempt anything for 48hrs. I think the bloating was the worse. Everytime I have had Surgery it's been different. The anesthetic issues last wks. Tiredness. If they do some removing of Endo 6wks+. Again it varies. My best wishes x
Peppermint tea was one of the best things I got in advance.
Everyone said to me about the shoulder pain etc from the general anaesthetic but it was not what I was expecting. I would also recommend a hot water bottle for shoulder/neck pain it helped me.
I live on my own so the day before I went out and bought loads of ready meals and sellotaped my chargers onto my bedside table so I didn’t have to bend to reach them. I also ended up keeping a pair of kitchen tongs beside the bed incase I did drop anything 😅
trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in afterwards was difficult, I hate sleeping on my back but couldn’t handle sleeping on my side until I thought about using a spare duvet/pillow and using it as a sort of maternity pillow.
Good luck I hope it all goes well for you!
Not sure if you're having a diagnostic or excision op, but I had the latter and was so tired, I slept a lot. I also had awful shoulder pain which would wake me up every morning. DO NOT struggle with moving/lifting heavy things, hopefully you will have someone at home to help you dress etc. Just take it easy and do as much as your body allows, don't overdo it