Laparoscopy Experiences: So today I've been... - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy Experiences

5 Replies

So today I've been told that I'm getting a laparoscopy for an official endo diagnosis. I am so happy, but so nervous. I would love it if some of you could share your laparoscopy experiences (good and bad) so that I know what I'm in for. Thanks!

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5 Replies
Dollar1414 profile image

I had my lap in January , I was really nervous as ive never had any kind of op before, I don't remeber going to sleep, I woke up and felt very sick , subsided as soon as I had anti sickness, the chest pain due to the gas was very sore couldn't sit up for an hour or so after as I felt like I couldn't breathe , then tried walking couldn't get far , but they don't discharge you untill you can in my case was a couple of hours, the gas in my chest and shoulder area was there for about four days , and it is a little hard to get comfortable . Where the actual incisions are concerned I had mine glued they were very sore for a day or two and gradually got better and I didn't feel anything after two weeks , they itched a little whilst healing and the areas were tender . It's no where near as scary or sore as I first thought (sigh of relief :) . ) lots of peppermint tea and fizzy drinks helped with the gas , and loose trousers to go below my cuts not over were the most comfortable. I did infact have endo which was excised . There isn't much to be worried about its a lot easier said than done though , I feel I had a pretty good experience with minimal problems, I hope yours is the same , Goodluck :) x

SugarSkullGirl88 profile image

I was the same felt really sick after waking up but went away with anti sickness drug. You have to be able to eat,drink and pee before they let you out (I faked the last one and was fine) the gas that they inflate your stomach with disperses so for me it was my ribs and shoulders it went to. You might find this worse than the op pain but just take your painkillers and sleep through it and you'll be good

I had my incisions stitched all three times and they've healed perfectly with minimal scarring as its a keyhole procedure

I have a phobia of hospitals so if I can do it you can do it.

If you've got any questions id be happy to try and help.

Good luck :-) you'll be fine I'm sure

Sharon203 profile image


I've just had my laparoscopy 8 weeks ago to remove an ovarian cyst, I had 2 incisions & when I woke up I had shoulder pain also due to the gas they use to inflate your abdomen. That lasted a few hours then I was allowed home after I'd eaten drank & wee'd. .

My incisions were stitched with dissolvable stitches which they said takes 1-2 weeks.. mine took 5 😕

My scars have healed nicely and are hardly noticeable other than a light pink cross lol.

I am back in in a few weeks to be opened up as they couldn't remove my cyst as they found I have extensive endo & my ovary is stuck to my bowel and the op was too risky to be performed with a laparoscopy.

You'll feel tender for about a week but not as much pain as you think. I was prepared for horrendous pain, unable to move but I was fine x

Amber83 profile image

I had mine done on the 1st of June. I was that nervous I nearly had a panic attack and didn't go through with it, so glad I did know even to just get a diagnosis of what the hell is wrong with me!

Went into hospital in the morning, felt terrible and told nurses and anesthetist how much I was scared.

An hour or so later I was collected from the ward by a nurse and cried the whole way to the anaesthetic room(what a plum I was being).

The nurse in there was really nice gave me a cuddle and that was it I was asleep, I don't remember falling asleep or anything.

I woke up in recovery feeling sleepy still, no sickness or anything but I did feel like an elephant had trod on my chest, it was really painful, this was the trapped gas they inflate ur abdomen with. I returned to the ward where I stayed for about 4hours, I felt okay apart from the pain in chest. Once I was home the pain continued until the following day but that was it, I was fine and all in all the laparoscopy experience wasn't anywhere near as bad as I'd thought so please don't worry, I am the worlds worst panicker and I made it through, so will u 😊

NorthEastMam profile image

.I had my first laparoscopy done on 27th august 2015 and it went wrong.

The ended up puncturing my stomach, which ended two nights in hospital.

I got told three different things, one it was the fact I was stressed, two I had a small frame, I'm 9 stone, and three that my stomach was in the wrong place. They kept me in nil by mouth two nights then allowed me to drink water and then food (40 hours without being allowed to eat frown emoticon )

I come home with lots of medication, antibiotics for my stomach, some pills for stomach acid, codeine, paracetamol, co-codamol etc which all helped with the pain and now since having finished the course I'm still rather lethargic - seem to be going to bed tired, waking up tired and through the day can't seem to get my energy levels somewhere normal if that makes any sense. I'm suffering migraines too which isn't really helping with three kids aged, 3, 6 and 7!

I'm still waiting on my letter from the hospital for a follow up appointment too. To be honest I saw the consultant who performed my Laparoscopy briefly twice, 5 mins each to ask how I was and that they did find endometriosis but only a small amount and they burned it off and that's all was said that and they punctured my stomach but stitched it up.

I am fully stitched up, just waiting for the stitches to come out, (dissolvable ones). I can move freely now compared to last week and taking the kids to and from school etc but I just don't feel my normal self, I have no one I can talk to, to relate to, so hoping there is someone here I can relate to.

I also had some light bleeding for 3 days after the surgery then it stopped for a day then a little heavier the next day then stopped a few days later, haven't had any blood enough to land on my pad since but when i wipe after a wee, on the odd wee there is blood on the tissue.

I suppose what I'm wanting to know is is there any foods or drinks I should avoid to help keep the endometriosis from coming back. I know I was on Norethisterone (stops my periods, but also got told off my GP if it was endometriosis those tablets help shrink it! which would be ideal to keep taking when I come out of hospital) Yet the consultant has told me to stop taking them and to be honest with you the way she talked down to me and the way she came across I don't feel comfortable talking to her let alone seeing her ever again. Whereas I would feel more comfortable speaking to my GP however he is on holiday till the 14th September as he is more understanding!

Does anyone have experiences after a Laparoscopy they could share if willing, as I feel so low and down because of the ordeal and no matter how I try to put a fake smile on I still feel like crying deep down!

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