I was diagnosed in September during my surgery to remove a fair amount of endo tissue, dead and live and a cyst. The Merina Coil was then put in as well to slow down the regrowth and so I stopped taking the pill. However, I now have a ‘normal’ cycle again, for the first time in years, and this is actually making me flare more ? I am in a lot of pain from mid cycle(ovulation) basically until my period would have been if I wasn’t on the coil. The pain is only just about weaker with ibroprofen, but I get dizzy, my legs ache, I feel exhausted and so so sad which ibroprofen can’t touch.
I start a new job, it’s a receptionist job, 6 hours a day so not too bad, starting in just over 2 weeks. it’s my first job since my surgery as I sadly lost my last one due to my recovery being so long. My endo flares are also made worse with stress, and I am very worried that the pain is going to make me loose this job also.
I guess I’m asking if anyone has any good hacks or self help things to help with sudden pain, any tips or tricks. Doctors don’t seem to know anything? Any exercises or good foods or supliments, I’m really at a loss as the pain just comes and stops me in my tracks so it’s hard to get on with life. Love to everyone going through this, thank you in advance !