Hello everyone. I have recently been grappling with the idea that I might have some level of ptsd from my periods. I get intrusive thoughts of when it’s made me sick, times my parents have been holding me to try and keep me awake and the time I was in hospital (the harshness of the lights, the nausea, morphine drip etc). Now whenever I’m about to get my period the tinest twinge of a cramp will send me into panic, I get scared of eating because I’m worried I’ll be sick and I cry a lot out of fear. When it comes I feel so trapped in my body, and for years now on the lead up I feel trapped in my room waiting for it to come because I can’t fathom getting it out of the house. It feels like this might be ptsd but I’m unsure. Does anyone else experience this? I feel like it’s probably really common but health professionals would be reluctant to admit ptsd could stem from something that is so normalised in our culture, when we obviously know the level of pain we experience is not normal.
I was supposed to have an MRI for uterine abnormality and endo but they lost it in the system and no one knows anything about it. I still have 46 weeks to wait until I can see the gyne about laparoscopy but even that I’m skeptical about. Had anyone tried acupuncture or osteopathy or other types of therapies for their stress and pain?
thank you for your time