Still In constant pain 1 week on - Endometriosis UK

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Still In constant pain 1 week on

Lanny1811 profile image
19 Replies

Hello all I was just looking to hear about your own stories of having a laparoscopy and how you felt after it. I'm 1 week post op and still in absolute agony. I am taking pain killers every 4 hours and they do help but I still have to take tramadol for extra pain relief. I didn't get any sleep last night due to pain. I am trying my hardest to get up and have a small walk but I can't do it. People are expecting me to be up on my feet by now and they just don't understand. I had endometriosis removed on my ovaries and bladder. I'm also constipated so I don't know if that's adding to my pain. How long was it before you felt better? When did you go back to work? I can't see myself being back to work anytime soon all I can do is shuffle to the bathroom and back or go to the kitchen for a drink. Feeling fed up. 😔😔😔 I appreciate any kind of advice.

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19 Replies

Hey that was my case as well.

I didn’t feel good enough to do anything for about 3.5 weeks. I had to go to uni exactly 2 weeks post op and it about killed me and all I had to do was walk and go sit in 2 classes.

Don’t push yourself, you had surgery!! I’m sorry people are expecting you to do stuff, they need to understand just because it doesn’t look too bad with tiny incisions they did a lot inside! It takes a while to heal.

Sleep as much as you can but also try to walk a little every so many hours (preferably once pain meds kick in.) it’ll get better eventually, hang in there!

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to

Thank you so much. Yes I Just feel like I'm expected to be 'ok' by now by family and stuff. They keep referring to my surgery as a 'small operation' 🙄 they have no idea. It's even sore to breathe, cough or laugh (I'm trying not to watch funny things on social media because that hurts the most)🤣

in reply to Lanny1811

Most people who have not had surgery like this don't understand. Any surgery is harsh on the body! Heck even when I got my wisdom teeth out in March this year I felt like complete crap for a while.

Oh I feel your pain!! After my lap I had to keep telling my fiance to stop talking because he always makes me laugh lol!

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to

Haha It's so bad!!! I keep seeing videos and I'm stopping myself from laughing coz it hurts so much 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️

in reply to Lanny1811

I found bracing my abdomen with a pillow helps if I can't control it :)

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to


chezachuck profile image

I had my first lap 2weeks ago and I was in a lot of pain still at the end of week1 and also constipated which really did not help!!!! After taking some laxatives that eased the pain a lot and now 2 weeks after I am going back to work tomorrow. I still feel incredibly tired and I am not sure how I am going to be but got to start somewhere! Lots of rest and I am sure u will feel a little better soon xx

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to chezachuck

Did you have any treatment out of curiosity? Xx

chezachuck profile image

They fitted the Mirena coil but after my review with the gynaecologist my endo is quite severe so am looking at the possibility of a hysterectomy. I am 42 and have had all the children I want so this doesn’t fill me with dread.

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to chezachuck

Aw I've not had children yet. I've got stage 3 endo.😔

Katie22x profile image

I had my first laparsocopy 10 days ago, it took my 7-8 days to start to feel slightly better. If I'm resting it's bearable but when I walk I find I've got a heavy, ache low down and shooting pains on left side (where they removed Endo) but it's not agony. I tried to go out today and could hardly walk any distance. No way I can consider going back to work yet (I work in preschool so I need to be fit!).

I really hope you begin to feel better soon. Don't hesitate to go to doctors if you don't, even just for peace of mind. xxx

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to Katie22x

I feel slightly better knowing that yourself and other people have been in the same boat in terms of how long it took them to get better. I was floored the first few days then I started to get a bit better but it's still so painful to sit up or walk or do anything. The sites themselves don't appear to be sore it's just all inside that's painful 😖

Katie22x profile image
Katie22x in reply to Lanny1811

I was floored too, couldn't even do simple things and had to have help getting out of bed. I'm the same, incisions don't hurt, well maybe my belly button one slightly pulls now and then, but all my pain is inside. But then again they do root around inside and remove endo so it's bound to be sore. I think I was expecting to feel better than I do by now, but everyone is different I guess.X

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to Katie22x

Yeah i need to keep remembering that. That we aren't all the same. Also my pain threshold is like 0% 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️x

Purple001 profile image

Hi, I was the exact same! I was meant to stay in hospital for one night because it was a more complex surgery but ended up staying in for four days because the pain was so unbearable and they couldn't get it under control. Definitely take laxatives (I found movical good but has to prescribed) the strong pain killers cause bad constipation and can cause alot of pain which I hadn't realised. I was in severe pain for two weeks not to scare you but just to let you know you aren't alone but if your concerned go to your gp for peace of mind. I never thought the pain would go but it does gradually improve so take it easy and give yourself time! Don't be setting targets because I kept saying by next Monday I'll be back in uni and it never happened so just get lots of rest. I also found a heat pad helped ease the pain. Hope you the pain improves soon xxx

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to Purple001

Hi, yeah I reckon I should never have left the hospital that day as I had just got morphine for unbearable pain! Then spent the next few days in bed unable to move. I thought I was getting better but no you're probably right tho and it's probably worse because I'm constipated! 😭😭😩😩 I'm in no rush to go back to work being a nurse I need to be 100% fit. My surgeon said I might need more surgery and honestly I really don't think I could go through this again!

Purple001 profile image

I understand your pain I was in unbearable pain too, definitely try a laxative that should help with the pain because it did for me. I was the same I would think I was improving and then it would get really bad again so I learnt to not get optimistic by improvements and just take it slowly. It does get better I promise, I never thought the pain would improve it was so bad but it did! I saw my surgeon a few weeks after the operation and he said that he was concerned that because I was in so much pain it would be something more serious but it wasn't so don't be worrying about what might or might not happen I know it's not easy but just rest and get yourself better and you may not need more surgery. Everyone is different in their length of recovery so dont get caught up on what it says online. Hope you get some relief from the pain soon xx

Lanny1811 profile image
Lanny1811 in reply to Purple001

Thank you 😊 the doctor has given me laxatives now! That's what the other doctor should have done on Friday rather than a fibre drink 🤦🏼‍♀️ yeah oh I suppose I'm just worried about the endometriosis coming back and needing more surgery. Because I really don't think I could go through this again!xx

Purple001 profile image

The same happened to me, I wasn't given them until a week after my lap and I hadn't been told the medication I was on would cause constipation. I'm not much help on the reoccurence of endometriosis as I only had my first lap in October but I completely understand I'm the same but I try not to think about it! Hope the pain improves soon xx

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