After ten years of being ignored and dismissed by doctors, i was finally permitted to have a laparoscopy and was officially diagnosed with endometriosis in March of this year. Apparently the endo was removed, but unfortunately has not made any difference to my pain. My consultant basically told me that i had to try contraception such as the pill, injection, implant ect as they would slow the endo growth down, but any problems to go to my GP and ask for a referral to a specialist.
I've been very reluctant to go back on the pill as i had problems with it when i first tried it at sixteen but was talked into trying it again. After i started to take it, my pain actually worsened and my moods went incredibly low. I spoke to the GP about a referral, but just like all the others, she was rude and dismissive, and told me that it made no sense that the pill i was on was making things worse. I've read a lot of conflicting information, as the GP is telling me that contraception is the only treatment for endo and that i need to give it more time, but i've read a lot about contraception merely being a bandaid for the problem and that there is no scientific evidence that it slows the growth down at all. Does anyone have any thoughts/experience on the matter?
If i'm being honest, I've struggled hugely since being diagnosed, worrying about what my future might look like and if things will only get worse. I feel like GPs don't know what they're talking about half the time and are simply reeling off 'text book' answers with no understanding of how the illness effects different people differently, and it makes it very hard knowing who to trust in regards to any kind of future management of the problem. With my moods being so low a lot of the time because of all this, I'm worried about continuing to try the different type of hormonal contraception in fear of them just making things worse.
I'm not sure if anyone can relate, but it would be good to hear from people in the same situation as i don't personally know anyone with this illness, and it leaves me feeling very isolated and alone.
Thank you! <3