Can progesterone-only contraception make ... - Endometriosis UK

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Can progesterone-only contraception make endometriosis worse?

voodoochild100 profile image
7 Replies

I'm having terrible pelvis, hip, leg and back pain and have done for most of the last year. I'm 39 and was only diagnosed last year, but have had symptoms since I was 10. I feel like my symptoms have got worse since my laparoscopy and excision last April, but have been trying progesterone only contraception since then, which seems to make my endo loads worse. I never had terrible leg pain like this on the combined pill or patch, but the implant and the mini-pill gives me really stiff legs that hurt when I walk. The nurse keeps saying to give it longer, but it's been a year now and I'm sick of it! Progesterone only contraception always makes my mood low, makes me sex drive vanish and my endo pain does not go at all! I know most experts say endometriosis is estrogen dominant, but the combined pill and evra patch are the only things that have made me feel mentally ok.. They seem to have kept my endo symptoms to a bearable level as well. I've tried almost every birth control there is Is it a risk to go back to the combined pill? Can progesterone make my endo pain worse? I'm in so much pain and was told repeatedly that cerelle pill would help, but it hasn't.

Thanks for listening.

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7 Replies
OlgaSz profile image

Hi there,My experience with progesterone only pill was also horrid. I had all different side effects, yet it didn't solve anything. I was taking them for 6 months and just refused to take them any longer. My gynae was very much against it, but I made my mind. It was.the best decision I have made. That led to my laparoscopy that confirmed endo! My hip pain went eventually away after a few weeks of daily 30 min of yoga - I am focusing on hips, pelvis and lower back as this is where my symptoms are. I completely changed my lifestyle and I am happily meds free now. My pain reduced to low levels that are easily managed with tens machine.

I still get occasional bad days, when the fatigue gets better of me or when the pain flares up, but it happens really rarely nowadays.

I know we are all different and there is no one solution for endometriosis, but I cannot recommend lifestyle changes high enough. They did what all the pills promised to do, but without the burden of constant bleeding, mood swings, nonexistent sex drive, rashes, palpitations, and random body aches. It took a while and the learning curve was pretty steep, but I am not even thinking of going back to pills that are only covering the symptoms in the best case, and actually make me feel worse most of the time.

voodoochild100 profile image
voodoochild100 in reply to OlgaSz

Thanks for the advice. That's really helpful and though I'm sorry you suffered on the mini pill too, it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Good for you for listening to your body and going against the gyne's opinion when you know it didn't suit you. I'm glad your pain has reduced a lot now and you feel better with the lifestyle changes. I've tried all the progesterone only contraceptives and they've all made me feel worse. I plan to come off the pill soon and see how my body is for a few months without hormones. I already do lots of stretching and yoga, which with my tens machine, is the only things that helps,but doesn't take away all the pain. I gave up gluten years ago, don't have much lactose, very rarely drink alcohol and caffeine and have reduced sugary, processed foods. I try to eat so healthily but still rubbish, but maybe I'll feel better off the pill!

We are all different, but having somewhere to vent and share tips is amazing. 😊

OlgaSz profile image
OlgaSz in reply to voodoochild100

Have you tried further lifestyle changes? I did a lot of research and found that endocrine disruptors in cosmetics, artificial fragrances and household cleaning products can be very triggering as well. I reduced or eliminated most of them from my household and again, I am not looking back. Maybe that's worth looking into? I eliminated or replaced all the below products with the alternatives that are sometimes not perfect, but a little better for the endocrine system and together with the previously mentioned things it made all the difference .

From my research the things that contain endocrine disruptors are in most conventional chemicals, including: scented candles, air fresheners, anything that is foaming (so toothpaste, conventional shampoo, shower gels, wipes and dishwashing liquid), fabric softener, washing up powder, bleach, cleaning products.

voodoochild100 profile image
voodoochild100 in reply to OlgaSz

I have tried to avoid endocrine disrupters, though thanks for the reminder. I found it quite hard to find some things that weren't full of chemicals, especially cleaning products. Though it's definitely worth another try as it seems to help some people. The yuka app is really helpful if you don't already have it. You used it to scan the barcode of products and it gives you the breakdown of what's in shampoo, make up, etc. I'm not sure that it works on cleaning products. Thanks for the tip ☺️ .

OlgaSz profile image
OlgaSz in reply to voodoochild100

I haven't heard of it, so thanks for the info. I will definitely check it out! 🙂

Poppykins86 profile image

Hello, sorry you feel awful. My experience of the progesterone only pill was the same. All of my symptoms got worse, and the answer from docs was a double dose. This made things worse & I bled so so much. Ended up in hospital with severe anemia.

I was offered Ryeqo (as I also have fibroids) but the thought of chemical menopause didn't feel right for me.

I came off everything & within a couple of months my cycle has stabilised & I feel so much better. I have also cut out booze & made dietary changes, so I'm not saying it is only stopping the progesterone that has helped, but the bleeding is much better & my cycle is regular.

Hope you find some relief xx

voodoochild100 profile image
voodoochild100 in reply to Poppykins86

Sorry to hear your experience was as bad with progesterone pill, but thanks for sharing. It helps to compare notes. That's awful you ended up in hospital with anaemia. Glad to hear you're doing much better now not on anything. It's obviously what your body needed. The thought of chemical menopause sounds too extreme.

Good you stuck to your guns and went with what felt right for you! 😀

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