I’ve tried using the internet to answer my query but can’t find a definite answer. My pain and heavy bleeding has returned after a 15 years of being constantly on Zoladex and lots of other drugs. I don’t fancy another lap as I’ve already had 3. Has any of you lovely ladies ever been diagnosed through a scan?
Can endo be seen on a scan?: I’ve tried... - Endometriosis UK
Can endo be seen on a scan?
Yes, but it needs to be an MRI scan, it is highly unlikely that it will show up on an ultrasound.
Thanks for your reply
I don’t think they will fund an MRI I might go down the ablation route. I’m just not keen to be on lots of hormones and things but atm I’m really struggling with the pain & heavy bleeding 😩

Are you in the UK, if so NHS or health insurance? ie. Who is it you need to fund it?
NHS but my GP is reluctant for an MRI & just offered a transvaginal scan. I have had lots of these but non ever mentioned Endo just PCOS which I was aware of. I was diagnosed with Endo through a lap.

An ultra-sound is pointless. An MRI is cheaper than a lap and has less risk. It also means they can see how extensive the endo is before they do a lap to remove it. If it is in certain areas you need a specialist, not just a normal gynae. Keep pushing for an MRI, I suspect you need to see a gynae to be referred for an MRI, your GP may not have the authority to refer you for one.
Thanks I’ve got a telephone appointment with gynae next month I will ask them.
A highly trained gynecologist can tell Endo on a trans vaginal ultrasound. They could see the adhesions on my bowel and that my left ovary wasn’t moving and stuck to my uterus. I had a lap in February which confirmed stage 4 recto vaginal Endo.
Hi I have been through vaginal ultrasound, ultrasound, x-ray and told nothing wrong with me. By the time they agreed to do an MRI I had severe stage 4 endo, needed hysterectomy and ovaries removed, my insides are a mess-bowel and bladder are particularly bad. I live with constant pain, nausea, incontinence and fatigue. I use a stick to walk on a good day because scarring is so bad its affecting blood flow to my leg, bad days are a wheelchair and really bad day I am bedbound. I used to be a clean freak and my home is genuinely a mess now, I used to work full time and now I am medically retired, I used to never take tablets and now I am on over 30 a day of some pretty serious meds. The reason I am telling you all this is learn from my mistake, GPS are great but they don't know enough about how destructive endo actually can be. ONLY an MRI can show the scarring and the endo tissue and what its actually doing to your insides, if your GP refuses to refer you for an MRI ask for a second opinion or a referral to an endo clinic. You can google your post code to fine endo clinic near you. You might need to travel a bit but please learn from my mistakes, I new something was wrong and docs almost had me believing it was in my head or I just couldn't cope well with pain. I wish you the very best x
Thank you for your honesty I’ve been dealing with this disease for over 20 years, fobbed off by consultants( see my previous posts) and on constant meds to induce the menopause. This is why last year I decided to come off everything. Now it’s returned I want to take a different route not too sure which atm😩
Your choices and your journey will be different but this is a great place for advice. Don't be scared to ask questions, to talk about your fears and your feeling. Having people who know what your going through without needing it explained helps. So many people think endo is nothing and many docs dismiss it as not being serious. Mines is not the worst story you will hear here and it has genuinely devastated my life. I wish I hadn't just accepted what docs told me, maybe things would have been different if I have had just stood up for myself and demanded to be taken seriously. When I say learn from my mistakes I really mean it, don't take no for an answer x