Hi. This must seem a strange story. I have a history of severe endometriosis but I am now 75 and restarted HRT patches about six months ago for bone protection as I am on steroids. I had a 7 year break because my GP wanted me off HRT because of the research. I had no problems with HRT and wish I had never stopped. In my youth I had severe endometriosis, infertility, and had a total hysterectomy 35 years ago. I still have gastrointestinal problems because of adhesions . I started having vaginal bleeding a couple of days ago. I was so surprised. I did read that endometriosis can start up again in the vaginal vault. Or could it just be a side effect of the HRT patches? Does anyone have any knowledge of this? Thank you for your help. I wish your group had been around when I was younger.
Senior lady bleeding after restarting HRT - Endometriosis UK
Senior lady bleeding after restarting HRT

Hi. Both my friends who started hrt bled for 6 mths when they started it. It wasn't related to the endometriosis. But I'd check with your gp to be safe
I went onto HRT after my second oophrectomy (because of endometriosis complications). When I had a bleed a couple of years later the overwhelming advice was to get it investigated, and that would be the same for you I think. Our situations are different in that I still have my uterus, but I think all bleeds need investigation. I did have surgical investigations eventually, but all was ok
I had a period after being on the patches for over 6 months. The advice was to get it investigated and come off the patches for 6 weeks. If sleeping continues further investigation is needed. If not I could restart the patches. I I take a 3 month break and have just started them again. But I’m only using half an everol conti twice a week so it’s the lowest dose age I can get with patches. Other than the unexpected bleed I’ve not had a period in 2 years but still get period pain and many other symptoms.
hi it could possibly be that the hrt dose is too high. I reduced mine( menopausal) as I started to bleed again after 6 months and then stopped bleeding. I cut my patch up and took initiative myself from google as my gynae appointment was delayed for over a year. When I finally saw her she confirmed I did the right thing and offered me a lower dose but I cut to 3/4 of 50 mg everol conti now . Seems ok but still who knows!! As still waiting for lap/ hyster with continued symptoms of bloating etc and not ibs! Good luck
Thank you Fipp, that’s a good idea. I can easily cut my patch . I am using it for bone protection as I am on long term steroids. I will discuss it with my GP. I have to have another Dexa Scan in 6 months so I can judge the effectiveness then.