11 days post laparoscopy excision surgery - Endometriosis UK

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11 days post laparoscopy excision surgery

Starburst11 profile image
15 Replies


Looking for some reassurance from those of you who have had laparosopy excision surgery.

I am 11 days post op and i am struggling mentally and a little physically. At first the worst of it was the gas pains, however from the day after surgery I have been able to get up and walk around. I am only now having pains in my stomach, similar to cramping. I am scared maybe I’ve pushed myself too much but I’ve been doing a lot of resting, napping and sitting.

I’m mentally very anxious and if I’m being honest bored at home yet I am expected to be back in work soon and as a busy secondary school teacher I don’t know if I can.

I was just wondering how others felt at the under 2 weeks marks? Physical symptoms? Mental symptoms? Felt like I was getting better and now I feel worst?!

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Starburst11 profile image
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15 Replies
DarkStar85 profile image

It sounds totally normal to me. I barely left my bedroom for a fortnight after my first lap for severe stage 4 endo recently. Severe fatigue and dizziness from the GA and pain meds. All your organs have been moved around and lesions excised so you will feel tender for a while. My mental health was very low until the 4 week mark. That's when I forced myself to do more walking about 3k and some other exercise. You have a really stressful job, I couldn't imagine going back so soon after major surgery. Don't push yourself, speak to your GP and get signed off for as long as you need. I'm 11 weeks post op now and feeling fine. Wishing you all the best for recovery ❤️

Starburst11 profile image
Starburst11 in reply to DarkStar85

Thank you so much for this! Makes me feel less alone. I will definitely get in contact with my GP! Initially surgeon said 1 week doctors note so I had to push for 2! Seems wild!

Looking forward to being out the other side :)

DarkStar85 profile image
DarkStar85 in reply to Starburst11

Yeah its insane! Still major surgery laparoscopic or not. Take all the time you need to recover. If you go back to work too soon it will only set you back.

Keke123 profile image

I’ve always taken 6 weeks off. Drs usually give me 4 after surgery and then I go to my gp for an extra 2 because I have an active job. Might be worth thinking about that.

Definitely take it slow. Your insides have to heal

Cocoacupid profile image

hun I had my surgery yesterday morning I feel like I’ve got severe period cramps and awful gas pain in my shoulders and neck. I also have fibromyalgia so I will feel pain even more intensely. Just take little steps day by day if you need to rest rest . I think it is good to walk around a bit but not over excert. Sending hugs 🫂 xx

Nicccc profile image

Give yourself more time and get a paper from your GP for some more time off. Regardless of how you think you should heal if you aren't well enough to work - in a gruelling job - then you cannot

All of the literature I have seen, in my opinion, belittles the recovery time as it is keyhole surgery.

I have had two laparoscopies and one c section, which certainly is major surgery. The laparoscopy recovery was far harder each time (and it wasn’t because I had a baby to think of at the end of the c section as some people have opined)

Emotionally it’s tough as you’ve had a huge operation. Your body and hormones are all I’ve the shop. When I felt a bit better two of my friends took me out for a bite to eat which helped me mentally as I laughed so much…..soon realised the laughing was far too strenuous on my tummy and really set back my physical recovery!

Relaxing at home, and binging Netflix knowing I don’t get to do that often, was the best sort of recovery for me

Take care and be kind to yourself x

Starburst11 profile image
Starburst11 in reply to Nicccc

I think I need to just be more gentle on myself and realise that my recovery comes first.

I will unapologetically binge my favourite shows!

Nicccc profile image
Nicccc in reply to Starburst11

Wonderful. And also my message sounded so shouty and preachy! It wasn’t meant to 😂

Lilac_10 profile image


As a fellow teacher, I had a laparoscopy almost 4 weeks ago now and am only just returning to work tomorrow. I will be doing half days Wed-Fri and then back to normal next week if all is well. I needed additional time as I work in a a special needs school so my job is very physical and there’s a risk of being harmed. However, aside from that I think as a teacher, due to the extremely busy days it’s usually very difficult to even take care of your basic needs like drinking enough, going to the toilet, getting a break, and sitting down to rest through the day, so I would say you’ll benefit from another week off.

Everyone is different but after 2 weeks I felt a noticeable improvement and was able to start going for longer walks. Like you, I got quite restless and bored being at home as I’m usually very active, so a couple of short walks each day helped and getting out with someone that could drive me for coffee etc for a change of scenery, even if you drink it in the car.

I had a couple of days where I was worried I pushed it too much, but I just listened to my body and took it easy for the rest of the day/the next day. If I push myself too much now I still get random aches in my abdomen so it takes some time for that feeling to go.

In terms of anxiety, I had a lot of that straight after my op but it then eased off. However, I have had some constant low-level anxiety which I think, on reflection, has been related to work.

If you don’t feel ready, take some more time to heal. Health always comes first and work will still be there when you’re ready to return. As awful as it sounds someone said to me, you won’t get a thank you or feel any benefit for returning to work early so you might as well take the time you need. Take care with the rest of your recovery x

Starburst11 profile image
Starburst11 in reply to Lilac_10

It’s lovely to hear from another teacher! I’m a design tech teacher (old money resistant materials/wood work) so I’m constantly picking up boxes, tools and machines. I feel like a phased return might be better for me but I’m not sure if they would be able to offer me this. I will have to look into it.

I am going to try some more short walks and see if some friends want to tag along. Thank you so much for your kind words and reassurance.

KittyTherapy profile image

Couldn't agree more with darkstar85. I had surgery back in March and needed 6 weeks off then came back to work on phased return (I work in the NHS in a clinical role). Definitely ask for an extension of your fit note if you feel you need more time. It's still major surgery despite the access being keyhole x

Starburst11 profile image

It really is crazy how the advise is ‘you’ll be back on your feet super quickly because it’s keyhole’ when the internal operation is still major!

Thank you, I will be asking for extra time.

ChicaPixie profile image

Hello lovely,

I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I've had my laparoscopy end of last year and I have to tell you what you're feeling sounds very similar to what I felt. The worse for me was not knowing what is normal and what I should be worried about.

I've had a lot of gas and peppermint tea is magical for this. The cramps I've also had for good 4-5 weeks. And then on and off after.

I'm not sure with your surgery but with mine I've had a mirena coil insertion too which caused additional bleeding for first 4 months.

One thing with me it probably took good 8-9 weeks for me to feel like I have got enough strength. Sounds like your job is very demanding and I would just say don't push yourself if you don't feel ready. I would speak to your GP or your leading specialist and ask for extension of your sick note. I actually went back to work properly on week 5. But this is so individual. I have met people who were able to do much much after 2 weeks but I struggled.

Mentally I also felt very lost for a while.

I would just say listen to your body and follow your instinct.

Sending lots of strength and positivity your way lovely and I hope you will start to feel better.

Big hugs ❤️

KlP28 profile image

hey… what your experiencing is totally normal. You have done the right thing getting up & walking round as soon as possible. Aslong as it’s small walks for now. Plenty of rest is needed too. Everyone is different, & ofcourse healing time depends on how extensive the surgery was too. They say anything from 2 to 8 weeks before heading back to work etc. I was not ready to go back to work 2 weeks after surgery. Your body will tell you. I went back 4 weeks after in the end, & looking back I think I should have taken another week or two tbh. Mental health wise, keep yourself busy/keep mind busy in ways you can & feel comfortable doing so. You will get there. Oh, and give yourself 6-9 months to feel true benefits of the surgery 👍 time really is a healer. & a whole lot of patience. Be kind to yourself. Take care xx

Amyrebecca246 profile image

Rest is definitely the key but I admit that you do end up going stir crazy not doing much especially when you are a busy person. I work in a nursery and have been off around 6 weeks each time, most times they advised me not to drive for a month or so which also limited me. Luckily my partner and mum were good at keeping me busy. I also did some CPD online courses to keep my brain ticking over!

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