Hi everyone,
I've finally had my initial appointment with a specialist endotriosis centre come through. Yay!
I'm not sure yet whether I would even want a laparoscopy since some women have a diagnosis with just an MRI. But I know I might have to have a laparoscopy for a definite diagnosis. I've got a bit of a weird question and no amount of searching online seems to give me an answer. For those of you who have had laparoscopies, when you awoke from your surgery, did you still have the breathing tube in? I know it sounds so stupid, but I'm really terrified of waking up with a tube down my throat. I have a really strong gag reflex and high anxiety, and I am petrified of not being able to breathe properly, and I'm scared that if I choose to have a laparoscopy, I'll wake up afterwards before they remove the tube.
I'd really appreciate if anyone could tell me their experiences of waking up after the surgery! Did any of you still have the tube in when you woke up?