hi everyone, hope you are all ok today. I was just wondering if anyone has had a colonoscopy to check for endo in the bowel? I had surgery three years ago and they found a deep penetrating nodule in my bowel and they had to do a bowel resection to get rid of it and I have started having the same bowel symptoms again but don't want to do another surgery if I can help it so I was wondering if anyone has had bowel endo diagnosed by a colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy for bowel endometriosis - Endometriosis UK
Colonoscopy for bowel endometriosis

Yes I had a colonoscopy - it wasnt to diagnose originally the endo but i kept on telling them that that where it was and sure enough they found it on my bowel. hope this helps xx
Hi - I had have had a colonoscopy.
The good thing is that it will check you out internally to rule out penetrative endo as, more often than not endo affects the bowel from the outside and it can be shaved off rather than a resection.
I wish you all the best. x
Hello, I'm awaiting a colonoscopy as I've had lots of bleeding from rectum and difficulty going to loo.i originally had a colonoscopy in 2004 as part if my whole getting diagnosed fiasco when GP thought I had bowel cancer and never thought if endo. I've had 2 laps in past and had adhesions and endo in pouch of Douglas. These were lasered. Now I am under uclh endo centre on wait list for lap at which they will excise rather than laser and a bowel surgeon will be present too in case I need bowel surgery. Do you mind me asking what your symptoms are like?
Thanks ladies it's very reassuring knowing there are others who have had one and found it useful. My symptoms are the same as they were before my last op. Pain before during and after my periods and pain during sex and my bowel symptoms are constipation before and during my period and diarrhoea for about a week after. There is always period type pain every time I open or try to open my bowels and the week after my period I have sever cramps almost all the time that feel like contractions. Out of interest did they try and schedule your colonoscopies for a certain time in your cycle or was it a case of whenever they could fit you in? Thanks again for all the support and I hope you are all well. Xxx
im in the middle of trying to see if endo in my bowel...i had on friday a vaginal examination/rectal examination and bloods...my doc is now saying i need a camera in my bum to seeif its there..is that a colonoscopy??? and if not wat is a colonoscopy??.....xxxx
im in the middle of trying to see if endo in my bowel...i had on friday a vaginal examination/rectal examination and bloods...my doc is now saying i need a camera in my bum to seeif its there..is that a colonoscopy??? and if not wat is a colonoscopy??.....xxxx
Hi missee that sounds like a colonoscopy to me, they basically put a camera into the intestine via you bum to see what's going on inside. X
I don't recall them discussing optimum time in cycle to carry out the colonoscopy but, in my case, that was probably because my GP thought my problem was bowel initially when she referred me for a colonoscopy and was checking for bowel conditions rather than endo at that time - she only decided to also put me forward for a pelvic ultrasound alongside, as an after-thought. I think it would be more uncomfortable for you to undergo that at the time of your period as it is a time when you feel poorly anyway - I am sure they would still be able to clearly see signs of endo even if it was not active at the time so I would not worry about that, but you could mention it to your GP to give you reassurance.
All very best wishes x