Has anyone else struggled after catheter? - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone else struggled after catheter?

GreenViolin profile image
5 Replies

I had my endo and fibroids excised on Saturday. I'm hoping it's enough otherwise I'll be back for a hysterectomy to get rid of the adeno too.

I found out the day before surgery I would be catheterised. This was fine until the catherer was removed a day later, when I really struggled to empty my bladder again. Each time I peed, my urine output had to be measured and a bladder scan done to see how much was left inside. I wasn't allowed out until I had less than 150 ml left in my bladder, but I was showing 600ml +. I ended up sat on the loo for 20-30 mins a time with barely nothing coming out, but loosing the feeling in my feet. I was then told to stop drinking and walk around the hospital corridors to free everything up. I walked for 30 mins and was absolutely exhausted, but had barely anything to show for it. In the end the lovely night nurse rescued me. She suggested I relaxed with a hot drink then went to sleep. I had two cups of tea, slept then tried again a couple of hours later. Things were on the up, then the next time I woke in the night I managed to get my bladder down to 41 ml left and was given the green light to come home this morning.

I'm very relieved to be home, but conscious I'm barely passing much urine again, and am just hoping this isn't an ongoing problem. I'm worried about the congestion in my bowels too. I've got laxatives, and they've told me it's important I'm not constipated for too long. I guess the most important thing to do is relax and let nature take its course, but it's hard when you're worried about it!

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GreenViolin profile image
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5 Replies
Kirsty360 profile image

Hi Greenviolin,I really hope that your op is enough for you to not need a hysterectomy 🙏🏻

I may be wrong, but a common side effect post anaesthetic is urine retention. Your bladder will be a bit lazy post op, especially since you had a catheter placed. Keeping on top of your fluids will help massively. If you go longer than 12 hours without voiding, contact a professional. You don't want it tracking back to your kidneys 🙏🏻

100% agree with keeping the bowels going as it makes bearing down a struggle with your incision wounds. It's easier said than done but you're right about relaxing and letting nature take its cause, you're only 48hrs post op. Rest up 🤗

Shorty9 profile image

Hiya, sorry to hear your concerned.

I had the same issue after my inital laparoscopy to remove endo. But I didn't have a catheter. As Kirsty has said it is quite common after anesthetic and especially with works done in that area.

They ended up scanning my bladder and they also used the scanner to re ignite my nerves in the area. An hour later and the pee kept flowing, like busses all at once after none at all! After that I was OK. So just relax, it is more common (I had had a few previous anesthetics and never had this happen, so I did panic I just wanted to go home!)

I've subsequently had a hysterectomy(no post anesthetic pee issues this time) and had a catheter and apart from being sore for a few weeks after having it removed all is fine. So just try and relax. It will take time to heal your only a few days post op. But as always, do get medical advice if no improvement etc.

Hope this helps re assure you. 😊

HT267 profile image

Hi Green violin,

I had urine retention post op and had very similar experience to you had to have catheter and then had it removed but toom a while for bladder to work.in the dats after my bladder was still a bit slow. I would say take a deep breath and relax when trying to pee and it starts to come out and slowly it does get better. I was panocking initially which made me tense up. However if you notice a lot of pressure on your bladder phone the ward as you can get readmitted if the problem starts up again. Sending healing vibes, you will get there. It is really common but keep an eye on it still x

GreenViolin profile image

Thanks Kirsty, Shorty and HT. I know theoretically that getting stressed about it makes it worse. Since I've been home, I've managed to keep peeing, although probably not as much as I should be. I'm more worried about the fact that I haven't managed to open my bowels at all, and the gas seems to be building as barely any is coming out. The pain has been pretty bad, so I was resisting taking opioids as I know they can make constipation worse. I got to the point today where I was tensing so much with the pain that I took some morphine and then had a nap. It gave me some relief for a couple of hours. I've been trying to move as much as I can and do my physio exercises regularly. The physio starts my tummy grumbling, but the wind doesn't actually come out. I will fill my nurse in when she calls tomorrow and see what she thinks.

Poppykins86 profile image

Hello, I hope you are feeling better & that the surgery is successful. I've had 2 surgeries so far, both for Endo. The first time, my bladder fell completely to sleep after the GA. It took over a week for my output to pick up, so it may still be feeling the effects of the aneasthetic. Stay hydrated & hopefully it will pick up. Wishing you a speedy recovery x

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