I haven’t had my endometriosis confirmed by lap yet, I’m awaiting mri and I’m on a 2 year wait list for laparoscopy surgery after 8 nearly 9 years of waiting to be somewhat listened to-
I had my first gynae app on the 16th and was told I could use contraceptive to help the affects until my lap (in 2 years!) and an mri
I was speaking to a friend who has endo and she recommended I go to/get referred to a specialist for my surgery and an endo nurse ect to talk through my other symptoms and I was confused as to why I wasn’t initially offered this seen as the place I go has an accredited endo unit, so I call my dr for a referral to the unit and she asks why I want a referral so I explain it’s because I’d like to speak to them about my other bodily symptoms not relating to gynaecology and so they can do other tests to rule out testable possibilities before surgery and many other reasons that I won’t exhaust
She goes on to say my lap is already going through the endo unit (*why didn’t she say that before asking me why I wanted a referral and why did nobody tell me this at my appointment*) and what do I want to see them in the meantime for?
So I responded with the same reasons I’d already said and so I can know what symptoms correlate to possible endo and what are unrelated so I can get them addressed separately and I was met with “well until the Lap we don’t know you have endo so we don’t what what correlates and what doesn’t there’s nothing we can do until then”
I’m very confused as my friend had an endo specialist, and endo nurse, an appointment with a pain specialist all before her lap surgery?
Am I just supposed to deal with all these other symptoms with no help or investigations? Do I get no treatment or care before my lap diagnostic? I’m at a loss?
still not heard back about my mri or when it will be booked for