Questions to ask at post op appointment. - Endometriosis UK

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Questions to ask at post op appointment.

Sky342 profile image
16 Replies

I had my lap done in feb by a gynaecologist, who i believe does not specialise in endometriosis. I am extremely nervous to go for my post op appointment as he was extremely rude and i am also afraid of asking questions. Does anyone have any advice on what to ask him? I still believe i have endometriosis and i think he potentially could have missed it. 😞

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Sky342 profile image
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16 Replies
AlexaMac profile image

Hi l can understand your anxiety my first consultant was underhand with me.

Keep your questions fairly short at first.

E.g. what did you find, how can l help myself (this gets them thinking you want to be pro active in your recovery) then where do WE! go from here.

If you can have your partner or a family with you to bolster your confidence that is good, if not then make sure you have a clinical nurse specialist in with you.

Wishing you well, do not hesitate to contact me again.

Alexa 🌸🌸🌸

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to AlexaMac

Thank you!!💗

Greenblue55 profile image

Hi there, I'm sorry to hear you haven't felt supported by your doctor, that's really difficult when you're already feeling vulnerable.

I definitely agree with taking someone you trust with you, and writing down the things you want to know so they can help if you feel overwhelmed. I would also agree with having a nurse in the room. If you feel able to, I would tell the nurse you would like them to be in the room because you feel the doctor has been dismissive to you in previous conversations.

I'd ask factual questions before asking their opinion - what was found, what was seen, was anything biopsied and what were the results.

If you feel the consultant is not a specialist, or is not confident in your care, please please go back to your GP and request a referral for a second opinion from an endo specialist, you're absolutely allowed to!!

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to Greenblue55

Thank you!! I will go back to my GP and ask for second opinion and request a referral. Thanks again😁

Avourneen profile image

The above is all very good advice but I think you also need to get a second opinion. Go and get a scan privately with a good sonographer, it will show if endo is left and where etc. Privately you can do this really fast without messing around with the GP. If you can't afford that I guess you have to go back to your GP explain you are really unhappy with the situation, treatment and the surgeons attitude and you must have a referral to someone else for a second opinion. They might say yes but it will be a long wait.

I'm really sorry you have been treated like this, I can't understand why so many highly qualified doctors who have had loads of training and are being paid a very large salary , by us , the taxpayer, feel it is okay to be rude and dismissive to their patients. A good doctor should really listen to his/her patients and take on board what they say. It seems to be a very common situation but it is totally unnecessary and unacceptable. It is not your fault at all and you don't have to put up with it.

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to Avourneen

It is way too common!! Not fair at all, no one should have to put up with not feeling heard or having to deal with rude doctors. Thank you for your advice, I will speak to my GP and see if I can get referred as I cannot afford to to privately unfortunately. Thanks again😁

Make a list of what you want from this meeting rather than waiting for them to direct and steer you into a corner. Write it down as a crib for you and a copy for the Dr and their records .

Do take someone with you. Give them your crib questions and ask them to step up if you can’t seem to get anywhere. Sexist as it is, I find a pre prepped but not necessarily expert man with assertive firm manner gets further than an informed calm woman. ( Yes , MASSIVE SIGH) . Get them to state you aren’t leaving until the appropriate referrals are made to the specialist team immediately.

Most exploratory ops have a photographic record so ask for a copy of yours and the written report.

Let them know your dissatisfaction with having been referred to general gynae rather than Endo team as they are different disciplines and if they haven’t found anything this time that potentially not being correctly referred has caused unnecessary suffering and waste of their resources which could be better used for someone who needed those specific skills.

If you don’t get satisfaction from the meeting contact PALS and request they seek proper pathway of investigation and care and outline the issues you have had.

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to BloomingMarvellous

Thank you, that is amazing advice and I will certainly be doing everything you said!!💗Thank you again!!

AlexaMac profile image

BloomingMarvelous this is great advice, we ladies need to make ourselves heard at times and not be dismissed as being

Hypochondriacs or a, excuse the expression, a pain in the butt 🤭

Stay strong everyone

Alexa 🌸🌸🌸

BloomingMarvellous profile image
BloomingMarvellous in reply to AlexaMac

Time indeed to put an end to those silences and their consequences of having to endure years of grim pain and suffering. No one gets a prize for suffering…ever.

SweetSparrow profile image

Hello this is from a page I follow on instagram, they are amazing on there with information on so much around endometriosis and what to pack for hospital what to ask and so on.

Bright coloured photo, with a women in a hospital gown. What to ask a surgeon.
Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to SweetSparrow

I will go follow them, thank you!!

Moon_maiden profile image

Write down all the questions, give him a copy and have a copy so you can write the answers down. Ignore any huffs and puffs. If you pay NI you are paying to see him, it’s not a free service as we get led to believe. It’s something that is free at the time but it is paid for.

Don’t get rushed, they’ll try that too. If possible take someone with you, they don’t need to say anything but it shows you aren’t alone.

If you’re near me I’d happily go with you.

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you, I will bring my mum with me as I am only 19 so having someone older there will help. I will make sure to write my questions down and bring them with me. Thank you for offering to come with me, it means a lot!!😁

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Sky342

That’s great, your mum won’t let them get away with it 🙂

Let us know how you get on. I’m sure it won’t go too badly though, sometimes they are much better post op.

Sky342 profile image
Sky342 in reply to Moon_maiden

I hope so!! Yes i will let you know how it goes😊

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