So I had surgery on Tuesday, was supposed to be a full open hysterectomy but I opted for laparoscopy removal of large endometrioma which may have been cancerous and removal of ovary and fallopian tube. I now have a 2 week wait for results of endometrioma and omental biopsy, if positive then I will have a radical hysterectomy in 2 weeks.I have never had a lap before but I have bruising at top of inside of my legs, I know the surgeon had to make an extra incision because the cyst had attached itself to other organs and it was bigger than expected, would the bruising be from pressure of surgeon having to lean on me to work? Also I'm now 48hrs in post op and still in a lot of pain and get cramp like contraction type pains is this normal? I'm drinking peppermint tea as still very bloated and combining paracetamol with Ibuprofen which doesn't seem to do a lot, do I just need more time? I guess I just wasn't expecting lap to hurt this much.
The surgeon was a specialist in lap surgery and her field of expertise is in endometriosis and hrt so I feel very confident with her and her work.
I will be put on prostap for 6 months and tibilone, not sure when that starts as was on discharge letter to gp. Unfortunately surgeon could not fit mirena coil as my womb is heart shaped and pretty much split into 2 cavities so I will be on mini pill till menopause to help prevent growths in womb, I've had 2 removed via hysteroscopy in 2 years after body rejected Coil last time.
I'm worried about mini pill as I did try this a few years ago and I bled every day for 6 weeks and became anaemic so dr took me off it, but consultant said I need it because if I get another growth and its picked up too late it can turn cancerous and I need the prostap otherwise I could end up with another large endometrioma on other ovary which could turn cancerous.
So I don't have a lot of options, I avoided a full hysterectomy as I didn't want to be forced into a menopause and the impact it would have had on me. It just doesn't feel fair, whatever I do or don't do there are negative impacts.