Hi Ladies,
My backstory is I came off Microgynon contraceptive pill a couple of years to regulate hormones before trying to conceive. Since coming off pill my periods have not been fun at all and symptoms seem to have gotten worse.
Me and my husband have been ttc for 7 months which is not a very long time bit we decided to go to a private fertility clinic and doctor noticed a submucosal fibroid which he said would be having an impact on my heavy periods and chances of conceiving. He also mentioned my AMH level is 12 which is lower end of normal for my age of 34.
I then get referred to a gynaecologist who also recommends a laparoscopy alongside the hysteroscopy. I have option to wait 12 plus months on nhs or go private.
No signs of endo or pcos were found on scan at fertility clinic but as I understand endo is not usually recognised on scan.
Main abnormal symptoms which I have are following:
Spotting average 4-5 days before period
Very heavy period. For example I went to do food shop during my last period only out for an hour and the soaked a super plus tampon and it leaked.
Tmi but I also have symptoms that raise concerns I could have IBS. This is especially bad during my period.
I have felt like fainting and need to sit down during heaviest days of period.
Lower than average AMH levels which gynaecologist thinks could indicate endo.
However, I don't have pelvic pain, severe cramping or pain during sex.
Maybe my symptoms could all be down to the fibroid but also do wonder if I could have endo and if laparoscopy is worth it.
My options are:
Fork out savings on both procedures privately for peace of mind and hopefully better success with ttc and more normal periods.
Just pay for hysteroscopy to remove fibroid and hope this improves symptoms and wait on nhs waitlist for laparoscopy (if seems like needed)
The fertility clinic doctor say laparoscopy not worth it and to consider ivf if trouble conceiving but wonder if they have vested interests since they are an ivf clinic. I would obviously like to give my body best chance of conveiving naturally.
Any advice much appreciated.