Hi all,
This is my first time posting!
For years I have suffered with painful/heavy periods. In the last couple of years this has become worse with bloating, constipation, extreme pain (during both period and ovulation) and now starting to go through to my back.
My GP referred me to gynaecology to explore endo.
Basically, myself and my parter are actively trying to conceive. We were successful around 3 years ago but unfortunately miscarried. Due to wanting to conceive, and after sitting on a waiting list for 6 months, I have been prescribed a pill for 6 months with the view to return in 6 months time and proceed with laparoscopy should nothing improve.
I’m really unsure what to do, especially because gynae have made it clear they will not be doing anything to aid fertility, they will just be treating my symptoms.
I have been to the Gp today, who said they can make a fertility referral, however due to our circumstances I will not be entitled to IVF, only investigation.
What are people’s views on the route to take please?
Thank you in advance for your time.